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Category: Blogging

sticks my toes in th water

HELLOS im eatin. keto ice cream rn. its chocolate chip cookie dough and it SLAMS i said i wldnt eat the whole pint in 1 day bc. this shit will make U shit. but idc <33

um. ig im here 2 Properly Introduce Myself so!!!! here we goes.

my name is jasper but i Also go by susie, ace & toki. im toki wartooth in the reals!!!! i like cartoons nd furries and drawing and animals!!!!! i also hav a RLY COOL gf and our anniversary is on national gf day which is sao awesome u guys. im a nonbinary butch lesbian !! he/they!!! i have mega autism and if it shows GOOD bc i think its fuckin amazing. i love being autistic and weird.

im 21 so in General id prefer if other adults added me, but im not super effing strict abt it. idc that much. i wont add kids first tho, just cuz tht feels weird lolz. anywayyy if we like th same stuff or hav anything in common or even if u just think i seem cool say hi!!! i hav shitty horrible social anxiety but i rly try to b as nice as possible <3 

0 Kudos


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