sitting in my car on a tuesday morning

my school fucking blows i want to go home nobody even likes me here i would rather play fucking video games or something more mentally stimulating than this place. 

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xXSunny_RayXx's profile picture

I'll put it to you this way. Everyone always says "you'll miss high school. It's the best years of your life" Well I'm here to tell you I'm pushing 30 and I still fucking hate my high school. I was tormented on a daily basis, so I feel you I really do BUT my best advice to you is just focus on your schoolwork. If I could go back knowing what I know now I wouldn't be focused on what to wear and who likes me and who hates me, I'd just absorb as much knowledge as I could so that I wouldn't be stuck where I am now. My grades senior year sucked so bad because I stopped caring and skipping classes that any 4-year college would laugh at my GPA, and I damn sure can't afford to even go to tech with my minimum wage job- AS A STORE MANAGER mind you. just hang in there you've got this- be the next big thing.

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