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Category: Travel and Places

language musings

i've never really been interested in pig latin in the past because it's really simple and it doesn't really have special characteristics, but recently i saw a video of someone speaking it like "fluently" and it blew me away.

most english speakers already have heard of this but if you haven't, pig latin is an argot (basically like a "code language") of english where you move the first letter of a word to the end, and add "ay" to it, so the world "english" would be "nglisheay." besides that, nothing is different and grammar is entirely the same so it can't really be considered a language of it's own, but now i want to speak it as naturally as the person in the video i watched so i have to practice. luckily, it's not going to be that difficult because it is again, otherwise no different from english

on an unrelated note, i was listening to arabic music again and i was like augh... i want to learn arabic so badly, like it's the language i want to learn the most that i know the least about which is why i have it on my page despite the fact i haven't really started but the main reason i haven't is because i don't know good resources for it, or where to find casually spoken arabic because casual communication is important.

for learning asl or japanese, they're really popular to learn so there's a lot of resources and i already knew shows or like video creators online that spoke and made things with that language or communities filled with speakers of that language before i wanted to learn it but with arabic i have no idea. i'm really bad at formally studying, for the most part i learn languages by interacting and observing communities and such so this is pretty important to me

i can probably figure it out. alternatively i could start learning mandarin since i have a better idea on how to do that and that's my second biggest want-to-learn but... arabic....

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