Tradition as it is to be upheld- I am to visit mine parents. Quite the overwrought occasion ! ! ! I am to wore my titain blazer and yellowish frills and dressage to escort myself to the strange mechanical carriage I have did beckon to my arrival to mine parents residence.
The path that ahead was be seen a cobbled catastrophe ! ! ! For which I had been sent to flight across each side of this carriage like the bird that flies from one cage into another and back once more. My cloth crumbled like the paper that had been rejected from the prose, face and be it hair askew ! ! !
On eventual arrival, a greet the driver with my coin but as the carriage a rocks back and off into one more night, it is to meet the stone, to which I to walk above to greet mine parents who are to be it open of the door before I even sequence a whisper of knock. Mine mother being as is stern and mine other mother even more a so.
“ you are sporting quite the look that is of bewilderment “ she say at me. “ perhaps this is to be the newest fancy , dearest “ to respond is mine other mother. A fancy nonetheless they do not have had been the approval of
I am to eat my meated sprouts and whey in the
silences . . .
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