yes! i have a full list of all of the sites in my blog here that i update periodically! for these specific blanks, they come from a variety of sites, usually pinterest, blinkies cafe, and myblinkie! i also have a few more to still post that are oldddd relics from the days of pixel & blinkie groups on livejournal.
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HELLY STILETTO, High Priestess of Coffee and Wine
How does one add words to the blinkie?
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These are so awesome! Do you have links as to where the blanks came from?
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yes! i have a full list of all of the sites in my blog here that i update periodically! for these specific blanks, they come from a variety of sites, usually pinterest, blinkies cafe, and myblinkie! i also have a few more to still post that are oldddd relics from the days of pixel & blinkie groups on livejournal.
by sarah ♡; ; Report