i mentioned earlier i went to the mall, guess here's a little dump of what i got today when i went with my roommates. first we went to spencers, i got a cute little invader zim wallet :] it has a cute little holographic picture of gir and zim on one side, the other said "i will destroy you". i always wanted one of these, glad i finally picked one up. then we went to hot topic. i really wanted some new belts, but didn't find any that i liked, and the ones i did had no tags, i didn't want to bother the workers by asking, but i picked up some skull fingerless gloves. i have some other gloves like them that i made out of kid's wool gloves from walmart, but i needed ones with print too lol. after that i had taco bell. i'm ALWAYS eating that garbage food, i can't help it. the last store we went to was claires, i got a new tiara, but i think it's too small :/ i can't find a good way to style it yet, ig i'll have to figure it out. i also got some tiny hair clips, one sparkly rainbow and the other are black and white. i also wanted to find some bows but couldn't find any that i liked </3 i'll have to go to a different mall soon. the ones in central fl kinda suck, but what can u do baby! errmmm, yea! i guess that's all i gotta say. gonna watch donnie darko soon, my roommate says i'll like it. so let that be determined soon! ;P hope everyone had a good day, night, uhh.. where ever you are...
the mall haul fo today xoxo
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