I made it to Lumiose City after blazing through the first gym. So far the game hasn't been too hard. I received the Experience Share, but decided to turn it off. I also gave super training a whirl and considered using it to train my Pokémon. However, now after some thought, I've decided I'm only going to focus on Pokémon-Aime instead. As useful as super training is, I want to play the game a lot like I've always played Pokémon. My playstyle best fits with generations V and below.
The mini-games in Pokémon-Aime are fun. My favorite is the yarn one. I'm not so great at the puzzle one or the berry one though.
It's been a bit of a challenge getting used to the rollerskates. I don't remember having this much trouble with them as I did when I first played the game all those years ago. Lumiose City has been a nightmare to navigate since I keep bumping into things or the camera confuses me. I'm sure with time though I'll get the hang of it.
I also got some new friends! I have 2 slots left. One of those will be fore Hawlucha, but I don't know who will go in the final slot. We'll see...
Amount of in-game time: 4 hours 19 minutes
Gym Badges: 1
- Montu - Pansear - Level 14 - Hardy Nature - Gluttony Ability - Met in Santalune Forest on November 13th, 2022
- Frogger - Froakie - Level 13 - Modest Nature - Torrent Ability - Met in Aquacorde Town on November 13th, 2022
- Poppy - Flabébé - Level 12 - Calm Nature - Flower Veil Ability - Met on Route 4 on November 15th, 2022
- Bulbapedia - Bulbasaur - Level 12 - Modest Nature - Overgrow Ability - Met in Lumiose City on November 15th, 2022
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