xosage's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

more of a rant

i honestly don't know what i'm doing wrong to be sexualised so much. is it my fault? i mean i don't post much of my face anymore but when i do i always get weird comments about how 'good i'd sound' or how 'much i'd like it'. which is so weird because i've opened spoke about being asexual before and i also post about my partner constantly. i am tired of people seeing me for my body and not my personality and interests. i'm not even saying 'men' at this point because there's so many men in my life (30 because my whole class in men) and all of them are respectful and one even goes as far ass calling me my preferred name and asking about MCR all the time.

it's not just men because there's girls doing it too. random people send me nvdes because i don't reply fast enough or they start s3xting me because i was too busy to reply. once someone said that me being tired was 'hot' and how he'd still 'do me' which put me off sleeping for a while. i wish society was normal.



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