affirmations for a special person

I found these and i tend to use them, not all but some of them and they seen to kind of be working. 

For contact:

why is [person] always blowing up my phone

[person] is always calling/texting me 

[person] talks to me every single day

[person] always reaches out first

Self Concept to attract:

I am the most beautiful person in the world, everyone I want wants me 10x more

I always get everything I want 

For a Relationship:

Why is [person] so obsessed with me 

[Person] and I are in the happiest, healthiest relationship together 

[person] is the perfect partner to me

[person] and I are soulmates 

Be on their Mind:

I am all [Person] thinks about 

i am all [person] dreams about 

[person] cannot get me off their mind 

everything reminds [person] of me


[person] is the fastest, easiest thing for me to manifest 

I am worshipped

I am worthy of everything I desire 


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