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Category: Life


i'm at that age where i don't know if my friends still like me. the age where, it's hard to communicate because covid hit when we were graduating, so we never really got to leave home with a final "goodbye". we just left once we were free to again. is it okay to feel sad without doing anything about it? probably not.

i'm at the age where i don't know how to say things that won't hurt others' feelings, but i don't know how to be assertive at the same time. how does everyone else do it? how do people talk to strangers confidently, and confront the people closest to them without working on the "right wording" for hours beforehand?

i'm at that age when everybody's grand-something asks, "what are you going to do with your life?" as if it weren't obvious that i have no idea. i know people much older than i am, who are still wondering what they should do next. why not ask them instead?

i think the biggest problem is, nobody knows how to function anymore. not since everything that went down two years ago. so maybe i'm not alone when it comes to my feelings. maybe it's best i take comfort in that.

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