Heya all! I have an upcoming project idea, a tournament of fictional characters judged and narrated by an AI!
The rules are simple: you guys can choose 2 fictional characters. They can either be OCs, or characters from any sort of media (videogames, books, movies, tv, etc). Then, leave a comment on one of my bulletins or this blog post detailing your characters and you will be submitted! (If you arnt submitting an OC, ill probably look them up anyways, but if they are an OC make sure to tell me anything about them you find important.) After 3 days, I'll take the first 16 people to be our contestants, with their pair of champions fighting under their name. I will then make a tourney bracket, and match up each battle. Each battle will be fought through an AI called Novel AI. I will write a couple paragraphs explaining the characters and who they are fighting for, and then the AI will dictate what happens in the battle. I'll run the program until there is a victor (rules for deciding a victor will be posted soon), and then post the entire battle transcript on my blog. I'll also be announcing each victor on a separate bulletin. This goes until the finals, and the ultimate victor!
I'll be making bulletin posts to announce upcoming fights and let spectators place bets on who will win each battle. So even if your characters arnt currently in a fight or if you have no characters fighting in the tournament at all, you can still interact if you want :)
A lot of this idea was inspired by a favorite Youtuber of mine, Doug Doug! Most of the concepts are his idea, and I always enjoyed it, so I hope you guys will too. This is also sort of a 1500 friend special, and I'm hoping ill be around 1500 friends by the final match.
So, if you like this idea and want to participate, leave me a comment or IM! Submissions close in 3 days. Good luck!
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