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Category: Life

heart broken

why is life so unfair. Damn it I saw him today. My ex from last year. I have no idea why he came over to my middle school. But I knew I needed to confront him once and for all. I yelled out his name , heart beating so fast. But then he asked who I was? he said

 "wait, who are you?"

I stop. 

did he just ask who I was? I tried to stop him from walking away. he was smiling and laughing with him friends. my mind was blank. starting to feel tears eyes and the burning sensation in my body. like I was boiling over allover again. like when we first broke up I felt nothing. he didn't give me closure. never said sorry. always yelled. even asked to have sex in the bathroom. pulled out a condom and everything. we kissed. It was his first kiss. Me. He asked me out, and said I love you first. but after all that. after everything. your just going to break up with me over text and get with someone new online 3 weeks after the break up? that was by the way very poorly executed. He is such a pussy. he couldn't even break up with me on call and now he asks like he doesn't know who I am??? 

now his words

I understand now

all my experiences are really making me spiral 

I hate you

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bask⛧'s profile picture

god damn, be more careful next time a good tip for not having such boyfriend is trying to know the red flags and green flags of the boy and then accept him i dont really know what to say i got no experience in love and stuff i never loved anyone but i guess that be more careful next time

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also never forget about the fact that if you get a boyfriend being a teenager you will proably break up with him

by bask⛧; ; Report

you're right honestly i feel so tired. need to take a break from "love". thank you so much :)

by Ryan ♡ ♡ ♡; ; Report

yeah no problem

by bask⛧; ; Report