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Category: Life

Why I Use Delta 8 THC so Much

If you hadn't noticed by now, I'm a psychopath. This comes from the very fact that Borderline Personality Disorder is a psychosis issue - guess what I have? Not only this, but I do experience auditory hallucinations that occur under heavy stress. They change depending on the severity, but I've learned to cope with the sounds by remembering this one neat hack:

The Doppler effect does not apply to hallucinated audio.

Anyway. It's common knowledge and an easy Google search to understand that THC is just overall one of the few harmless "drugs" that get you high. CBD is fine, but the damn truth is I don't want to use CBD because CBD keeps me in this reality, and this reality is harmful.

I have the divine right to avoid that which harms my body, my mind, my emotions, and my spirit.

I find myself to be more open, more fun, less afraid, more confident, and overall happier when I am using THC as opposed to CBD - which really only just makes me very, very sleepy. A good sleepy - a calm, soothing, less anxious sleep, but I want to experience happiness in my waking hours. Does it suck that I have to be high all the time to even feel human? Yes, of course it does... but that's also why I'm extra careful with how I interact with others when using.

It's literally all about self control and mind over matter. Yeah, the THC affects the mind... but from my personal experience, it affects it for the better. I use it so much because flat out, I'm a stoner. I love to be high and I love to not want to kill myself every five minutes. I love not feeling broken. I'm sorry that's so offensive nowadays.

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Jon 🐇

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I smoke all day every day myself, for the same reasons. I like to be happy! I see nothing wrong in being high 24/7 as long as I can still be a productive person, which I am. I look at people like Snoop Dogg or Seth Rogen and wish I'd had role models like them way earlier! XD

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