Drama in my brain

So during my dreams and stuff, I seem to have this very big obsession with money, I'm always buying the things that I want and things that I don't need. The way that things in my dream go is that or I'm being chased but the past 4 days my dreams have been about drama and stuff. My dreams start out as I'm dating someone that I used to like and me and them end up having sex then going on dates and stuff. After the sates that we go on, I usually find out that they were doing something on the side or that the thing that was happening was all fake because I was in a nut house. I would wake up if I wasn't in the nut house and feel that something was off, then I would get this huge urge to check their phone. After I would do that, I would go and confront them for the males to end up hitting me or the females to start screaming at me, the only reason that the males hit me and not the females is because my step-dad had attacked me and I ended up having very bad issues with it, so every dream I have with men, usually ends with me getting hit. Most of the time it's a male and he's very confused on why I even went through his messages but then i explain to him that I had a very bad feeling and followed through with the urge to look through his phone. After I tell him that, he gets super mad and tells me that this is why he's been cheating on me and that I should go and cheat on him as well or leave him, when i try to leave him, he flips out and hits me. I usually wake up after that but the one time I didn't I ended up snapping and killing him in self defense. With the females they ask me why the hell I would think that going through their things was any type of okay even if some stupid voice would tell me to go through something and then they start screaming at me telling me that if I really thought they were cheating, that I should've come and asked them instead of going through their shit. Then I finally leave the room while they are losing their shit or I just wake up because I find the noise super annoying when the girls in my dreams start yelling, they sound like dying birds. 

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