Today's Reading 01/08/2022

01 Aug 2022

Today I'll be using my Contraband deck.

Classic American Cartomancy
The Spread
King of Diamonds   Seven of Spades   Jack of Diamonds

King of Spades   Jack of Clubs   Nine of Spades
King of Diamonds, Seven of Spades, Jack of Diamonds
King of Spades, Jack of Clubs, Nine of Spades

King of Diamonds - Very fair man (reversed)
Indulgent severity; indulgence; compliance; condescension; complacency; tolerance; low descension

King of Spades - Man of dark complexion; A lawyer
A professional man of eminence, a lawyer, judge, advocate, counselor, senator, practitioner, attorney, confidential agent, jurist, orator, statesman, pleader, diplomat, doctor of laws or in medicine, or a learned physician

Seven of Spades - Loss of a friend; coffin
Trust; confidence; expectation; desire; inclination; longing after; wish; taste for; whim; humor; fancy

Jack of Clubs - Young gentle man of dark complexion; the Scholar
Study; instruction; application; meditation; reflection; labor; toil; work; occupation; apprentice; student; disciple; pupil; master

Jack of Diamonds - A soldier; a messenger
Strange; unaccustomed; unknown; unheard of; unusual; unwonted; surprising; admirable; marvelous; prodigious; miracle; episode; digression; anonymous

Nine of Spades - Constant disappointment, death
Obstacles; hindrance; delay; disadvantage; contrarieties; misfortunes; suffering

... Good morning @_@

0 Kudos


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