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Category: Life

lets just call this one giggity of life..heh

got another delivery this time. god so many frikkin PEAS! i hate peas lol at least in large quantities but i'll eat em if i have to. been working on subnautica. been feeling guilty because i've been on the tv so much but all he has to do is just tell me he wants to use it and i'll get off the ps4. i just don't wan't to be greedy. had a meal from that package today for dinner. not much else i can do. god i almost woke him up when i went to bed last night but  i decided to let him sleep cus i didn't want to be rude. but omg i want to do that again what we did the other night. i finally am starting to like sex ...ever cus usually it feels so meh but lately its felt amazing. had to cover my own mouth to keep from screaming lol. anyway thats it for now.

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DarkTetsuya's profile picture

oh yeah you and me both babe, always hated peas ever since I was a kid lol. and yeah its okay really I've just been on here watching twitch and youtube stuff anyway might play a game or something on switch later we'll see how I feel.

yeah kinda looking forward to trying the ravioli thing tomorrow looks like it'd be pretty good.

also aww :( that's why I was waiting so long last night cus I thought you wanted to go again... but if you want to tonight, I'd love to! and yeah it WAS really good, huh? ;)

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sure we can i'll probably be in there a little late but we will ok?

by Miishiikins; ; Report

oh sure thing I'll be waiting ;)

by DarkTetsuya; ; Report

oh yeah I did think of something I guess just do what you did the other time I got up to use the restroom and since I was up, feel free to ask okay? since I'm already awake anyway ;)

by DarkTetsuya; ; Report