Struggling w burnout, i should probably be medicated

Ive been such a drag lately.. ive had burn out for over a year now, but it only seems to be getting worse. Yesterday i was struggling to complete the basic, ‘everyone else is doing this without a problem’ task of asking old teachers for recommendation letters. It was then i realize that i have struggled with every basic task like that for a very long time. The thing is that in cases like mine (which r most), people who do that sort of hardcore ‘procrastination’ are riddled with aggressive anxiety. Anxiety runs in my family and ive known her since i was a kid. Im saying i need to be medicated for it because i have tried so hard to self-motivate and get myself over my worries but it just isn’t happening anymore, no matter how hard i try. At absolute best, it works for half an hour, then i get beat and back into the anxious loop of not finding myself competent of anything. there’s really nothing left for me to try—i need the help badly. the big problem is i have no insurance, and even if i did therapy has always been way too expensive to consider. the best i can afford is one session a month, which is absolutely useless. the time between with no support is too big; i know this doesn’t work not out of defeat, but because i had a therapist for four months who we could only afford once a month, and it was worth so little. im really just droning on at this point... but i really dont see any way i can continue properly without meds. I think i just need anti-anxiety ones, i think i can manage my depression fine. i might have adhd, like everyone else i know haha, but i don’t think that’s been too great a problem so far either. anyway, i’m gonna get out of bed and figure out how i should tackle today.. im out of school again for the swollen vocal chords. im so glad to be out of that hellscape... senioritis and anxiety make school unlivable for the most part... but i’ll have to go back, and i need to do the schoolwork they’ve been assigning still. god, soon i’ll be out of all this... soon i’ll be far away tucked into something more livable

0 Kudos


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