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some more bloggin

heyyy spacehey folks! Its Dio here, back after about a week or so! been a hot minute hasnt it! I am currently "enjoying" (ill get to that in a sec) my summer vacation, and havnt been as active on spacehey as of late! Im changing that rn, i think ill check in periodically to leave some blogging info about my life for those of you staying active over the summer! 

So, starting off with some smaller news, but disappointing: about a week or so ago my psychiatrist told me that my old therapist, who I had thought changed jobs and had to stop meeting with, was rehired full-time and could see me again. I have been looking for almost 2 months for a new therapist, and really missed my old one, so you can guess how excited I was to hear this news. A couple days later, and sure enough, i get more news from my psychiatrist: apparently she was mistaken, my therapist will confirmed not be coming back. Lol, my disappointment that day was palpable... still looking for a new therapist ;-;

So, about summertime.... youd think that Im enjoying it right? ive been looking forward to a break from school for so long, suddenly that I have it i must be gleeful right? well, not really. Its more apathetic. THe change of seasons is innevitable afterall, and even tho this is a well earned break.... well, there isnt really much for me to do. I dont have my old friend group so there arnt really people to hang out with on a daily, so inbetween calling up old friends or my one last close friend (which together take up only like 2 days a week) i have a whole 5 other days to fill moping around at home, eating icecream, staying in bed, and watching anime. Its not exactly pleasant, yes it beats school but it isnt a very happy existance. Hopefully some activities I have planned later this summer will be more interesting...

As far as things i could do this summer, they include: going to the library, writing more DnD campaigns, meeting up with an old friend to play cards, meeting up with my last close friend to get boba tea, doing this Councilor in Training camp, going camping with my family, reading, swimming, going on bike rides, watching anime, and moping around the house. Currently, im doing most of the final one haha. Oh, and I have some summer work to do for 10th Grade, but im going to procrastinate that until the end of the summer probably. 

As far as romance goes, there isnt anything interesting for me, although its funny: legit every other person still in my life is having dating stuff: breaking up, starting new relationships, enjoying old ones, or getting back together with someone. Its crazy, its like Im the only lonely guy hahaaha.... haha... ha... god im so lonely.

anyways. see yall soon sometime, peace out!

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