Indulging in a bowl of kraft mac and cheese1 led me down a rabbit hole on some novelty foods:
- kraft mac and cheese ice cream, available in Walmart
- eater review: good
- flaming hot cheetos mountain dew review
- says not very good, and a lot of sugar (predictably)
- hot cheetos ice cream
- inspires me to try this sometime with ice cream although this reviewer was not thrilled
- pumpkin spice cup noodle review
Also, did you know Canada consumes more kraft mac and cheese than America does? It's apparently considered a national food. The wikipedia entry on kraft mac and cheese seems to have been taken over by the significant sentiment that Canada has for this food.
Bonus diving:
Bonus diving:
- reviews of the other Van Leeuwen ice cream flavors (other than pizza)
- review of pizza ice cream flavor
- queso helado (which as far as I can tell, is not actually made from cheese)
- cheddar ice cream
- I've been feeling like an occasional indulgence is all right once in a while, but I conveniently forgot that I've been trying to be healthier because my blood tests at the most recent health check up showed slightly high cholesterol. :/
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