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Category: Life

Voting : unsubscribe, unregister, take a me off a de list. If there's one thing that I hate it's the american oligarchy

I should have never registered anyway. What a joke. Even thinking about politics anymore makes me want to smash something. You can't even unregister, the best they allow you to do is go unaffiliated. The online form in PA doesn't even work so I had to print it and send it in. No surprise there. I almost threw my printer out the window. Politicize everything to divide the people even more. I can't even express my contempt for the system in words. I feel like all you have to is mention this words:

"Trump, Biden, Covid, Vaccines, Masks, BLM, Antifa, socialism vs capitalism, climate change, democrat, republican, liberal, conservative, snowflakes, libtards, etc " among others and people will literally fight until the death. I would prefer to never hear any of those words again at this point.
I'm just so done with it all, go away, I don't want to talk about it and I've already said everything that I can say about it x100.  You're hurting my soul. I don't give a shit what you believe can we just forget all about that bullshit and just live our lives. I don't want to be a part of it anymore. What a nightmare....

6 Kudos


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andrew covell

andrew covell's profile picture

not voting is probably the worst thing you can do i agree everything is a mess right now but i still have not become some political zealot the divide came for 2 reasons 1 the establishment radicalized the current 1st parties and 2 the 2 party system everyone i've had a political argument over the last year or so see things as left vs right dem vs repub and thats because they've all subscribed to the lesser of 2 evils ideology and believe their side to be lesser fueling flame wars when it comes to politics but the thing is our system isn't a true 2 party system of course i had this conversation earlier today and yeah voting alone isnt all that needs to be done but it is the minimum one can do to fight against the tyrants above us if we just bend the knee and let them do whatever without even an attempt to fight back well then we deserve whatever the government does to us but if we make an effort real and positive change can come from that you don't have to participate in the arguments but when you feel the authorities boot on your neck you should make an effort to fight back

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Dude I'm done. I'm not discussing it any further. This was purely a rant.

by Lyrian Space Frequencies; ; Report

It's become way too painful for me anymore to be involved with.

by Lyrian Space Frequencies; ; Report