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minecraft build log 16/5/22

- 16 / 5 / 22 -

so here we go, my final update for a while. this is a big one, there's a lot to show off since the last time i posted. unfortunately, i don't think i'll be able to properly show off everything with only screenshots, so i do apologise that i may have left some smaller details out.

The Full Tower

during the day, it's not so easily visible at some angles with my shaders on. but at night...

..i find it to be very gorgeous. there was one other picture that i had taken of it at a really good angle, but my scatterbrain seems to have forgotten to upload it to my other computer.

First Floor

i didn't exactly get many pictures of the spawn floor. don't know why, just didn't. so here's a lame screenshot of the fountain, rules/info board, and part of the idiot trap

Second floor

it's not actually that dark in there, i promise. thanks, shaders. anyways, this is the 2nd floor aka the communal farm. there are doors and iron bars in place at the entrance to keep the bees from escaping (we use slave labour in this community). wheat, sweet/glow berries, carrots, potatoes, and honey can be obtained here.

Third Floor

AGAIN, its NOT ACTUALLY THAT DARK. anyways, this is the 3rd floor. otherwise known as the portal room, residential hall, and the only other way you can go outside aside from the main entrance.

Residential Hall

the main lobby

this is the hallway to one of the floors of the Residential Hall. they all look the same so i only need one image.

this is the terrace to one of the floors. enough said

and this is an example of what the rooms all look like. again, all the same, only one pic needed

Misc Stuff

idiot trap in the main spawn

updated 2nd part of the path

underwater areas under the mountain. ignore the water glitches around the edges, for some reason this edition of my shaders want to stink mega weewee and not work on waterlogged areas

these are all the various levels of the outside "courtyard" area. there's various places you can wander off to explore around here, lots of hidden tunnels too. (did i mention the whole mountain is on top of a massive underwater cave and tunnel system?)

idk what this is really, it's just part of one of the tunnels that overlooks that massive lake spot from earlier

sooo yeah that's about it. i might open the server to the public if enough people actually care, but that's what's here for now.


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root's profile picture

It looks amazing. Need to see it in person at some point if I can.

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