Xxx.v4mp1r3du3t.xxX's profile picture

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Category: Romance and Relationships


 sorry 4 the vent post but i cant talk 2 my irl friends because they'll know who im talking about

♥ so i have some dumbass crush (i think)
♥ their name is saturn and hes so goddamn cute and cool and funny im dying
♥ i just love her so much n i dont know how to tell them
♥ like we only met a few weeks ago but aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
♥ and his fashion sense is so immaculate like damnitt
♥ and her hair is all fluffy and curly and like a reddish brown color its so cute
♥ and their voice is so cute!
♥ and he wears earrings with planets and stars and has matching ones on her chrome book
♥ problem is i have no idea how to distinguish between platonic and romantic attraction
♥ and also they're way out of my league
♥ and im terrified 2 tell her my feelings because what if i ruin our friendship

anyway thats it. if u have advice i want 2 hear it. thanks.

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lailiquis 's profile picture

i think this is really cute :) the way you talk about them it seems like a crush, but if you’re not sure you could wait it out :)

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