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Category: Life

Possible having bipolar 2

I've started going to therapy and she very quickly said that from the sounds of it I have bipolar type 2. Bipolar type 2 is essential I've never reached a full manic episode. I start doing reckless or stupid things but it never on the same scale of people with type 1 who like sell their car. Type 2 also means I usally have more,longer, downs than ups with little middle ground. It also explains my main problem of anger. I'm angry when I'm manic because people don't keep up with me and there chosing logic over my non logical ideas and actions, then I'm upset when I'm in a down because I'm angry I can't force myself to do anything especially since I was a only a short while ago I was feeling like God. She said since I'm still a teen it's gonna be harder for me to get diagnosed. I'm a bit upset because out of all the things I didn't think I was bipolar was not one of them maybe because I didn't realize it was a spectrum maybe because I chose to be ignorant about it till I was hit in the face with it. I'm not how true this part is but it's usally genetic so I'm gonna have to look and see who in my family has this wich is hard because alot of my family is on drugs and were having a lot of family drama rn so. I might not figure out. 

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