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minecraft build log 25/4/22

- 25 / 4 / 22 -

building update

so.. in regards to the tower i've been working on, it's going great! i've finished the pathways
all that's left now is to tackle the biggest obstacle: the tower itself

i've gotten a general outline of the base shape done, though its really wonky and i'll need to rework it at some point, but i am tired so i'm taking a break

i intend on focusing on the scenery at the same time as the tower, hoping to make the terrain and building connect as seamlessly as i can, as i want the place to look like it was raised from the ground up, instead of just kinda plopped down onto a mountain

public minecraft server?

i've converted the world to a public server which means once the tower is finally done, i hope to open the world to the public and let the tower serve as a main hub
i'll be sure to let all of you know of any updates regarding the whole server thing, but for now i'm just going to work on the build before i go any further otherwise

do note that it would be run on java and wouldn't be up 24/7 (because that costs money and i am broke). there also may be a tight limit on how many people could play at a time upon initial release, but that shouldn't be an issue because i don't expect many to play anyways

if by some miracle the server does gain more traffic, i'll attempt to raise the player limit, but that doesn't seem like a concern for now


i've already logged off and shut down the server for today so no screenshot updates atm, but i'll be sure to post an update with images tomorrow as soon as i log on!


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