When working with others I'm not very good, but I swear to whatever may be out there that I am TIRED of being dress coded and having my friends get dress coded. I find it useless. And it's not like they are wearing anything that revealing; it's pants with the thighs showing. WOAH!!!! MAN I AM SO SCARED OF THEM THIGHS! I just don't get it. Like I can understand when people get dress coded for like booty shorts and things that have the tits just out, but really? SOME SHOULDER! OMG I'M SO TURNED ON BY YOUR SHOULDER!! Yeah man, you really sound like such a great person. It makes no sense. The whole reason we have it is to "provide guidance to the students and parents as to appropriate for school and any school function". Google also says that it's supposed to help people get ready for having to wear uniforms for jobs. Wow. Like I get were they are coming from, but SHOULDERS and omg LEGS!!!! The world could never. Like and then they get mad when thy can see your bra, like I get it you can see it, but if I don't have an issue with it, then you shouldn't. Like I can get if I was only wearing a bra, But I have a shirt that is kind of like a tank top and it shows the sides of my bra sometimes, but you can see through the black shirt, so it doesn't matter!!! And when I tell a teacher, "Yeah I have my extra clothing in my bag they ask me, "why aren't you wearing the other clothes then, bitch, it is picture day and I would like to wear things that I actually like and not things that make me look stupid. Like do schools not know that this is such a big issue with students that some of them have been purposely wearing the wrong clothes as guys and girls to see what would happen. At this school we are not allowed to wear tank-tops but yet I see some of the football guys wearing only a tank top and shorts that are way out of dress code. Like why do the boys get to wear whatever they want but the second that we end up wearing anything that we feel comfortable in, you get into trouble and the teachers wear more revealing clothing than us. Like make this all make sense.
dress code
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