Mary!'s profile picture

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Category: Blogging

very detailed about me

I stole this from ace

The Basics

Name: Mary
Age: 17
Month of birth: june
Any Siblings?: yes, I'm a middle child 
Parents still married?: yes
Occupation: work at my local theater by the beach
Do you like your job?: sorta!!
Any pets?: dog named peanut, spider named Carolina. I want guinea pigs so bad
Hair color: natural color is dark blonde, currently it's pink. I change it so much
Eye color: greyish greenish blue 
Any Tattoos?: one day when I'm financially independent  
Any Piercings?: just basic ear piercings (I want way more and a belly button ring)
Current mood: allergenic 
Current wardrobe choice: colorful skirt, chunky shoes and big sweater
What are you listening to?: either way odie leigh
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: my boyfriend
What do you currently smell like?: coconut dry shampoo and eucalyptus essential oil (update: cucumber deodorant) (update: rose water and sweat)


Movie you watched: The Batman, in theaters (update: Ruby sparks, on my friends' projector)  (update phantom of the opera 2004 literally three times) (update: the perks of being a wallflower. I then read the book. I cried) (update juno on my boyfriend's old laptop)
Magazine you looked at: real estate pamphlet (update: ABBA magazine I bought at Harris Teeter)
Thing you ate: bread (update: mac n cheese) (update 3 cucumbers) (update pumpkin pie)
Book you read: something about blood I don't remember (update: perks of being a wallflower)
T.v. show you watched: it's actually pretty rare I get into a tv show tbh I can't remember
Time you cried: 2 seconds ago (update: two nights ago) (update 4 days ago)
Took a shower: just now
Got a real letter/mail: friday, etsy order of smoky quartz and necklaces for my friends
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): a Vietnamese place with friends
CD you bought:  I burn my own cds  legally I think

What is/was....

The best thing to happen to you today?: a friend in creative writing class brought in an entire ass baguette and shared it (update: I had a nice cup of chocolate milk this morning) (update I ordered rollerskating stuff)
Your most prized possession: my typewriter for sure. and my crystals and necklaces, and my Ranger-06 demonias, and surprisingly my 12-dollar headphones
 -  the headphones broke
 + my painted bookshelf
Your first vehicle: tiny pink bike.
Your current vehicle: white 2007 toyota corolla
Your favorite quote: Bazinga

You bedtime (on average): I usually shoot for 10, but more often 11 or later (on a school night because I cannot function at school otherwise. I typed this last semester, I've been doing better at getting to sleep at 10 bc of melatonin but during the summer I'd usually be up till 4 am nightly)
Your best trait/characteristic: my capability to love
Your worst trait/characteristic: idealizing too much and living in my head

Do You....

Store things under your bed: tons of art supplies
Daydream: immensely 
Have a computer at home: an outdated lenovo laptop!
Live in the city, suburbs or country: city, but not a CITY 
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: home
Own a cell phone: a used iphone 8
Have a good luck charm: my peace sign necklace (update I lost it and miss it bad)
Collect anything: rocks and porcelain dolls
Attend high school or college: high school I'm about to graduate 
Make good grades: mostly

Your Favorite....

Place to be: my roof at night 
Place to visit: reynolda gardens 
Place to chill: my bed
Non-Alcoholic drink: tea or any nice cold juice, I like those green smoothie mixtures and kombucha is pretty good
Alcoholic drink: I've never had alchoholic drinks. but I think I would like brandy because the word is warm.
Type of food: Vietnamese 
Meal/Food dish: pastries 
Dessert: coffee or pistachio ice cream
Shampoo & Conditioner: tresemme volume (update: this honey repairing stuff at cvs)
Toothpaste: this whitening charcoal stuff I have  
Salad dressing: ranch I think? I don't usually use dressings I just eat entire cucumbers like apples
Ice cream: raspberry sorbet (update: key lime or coffee, pistachio...)
Fast food establishment: bojangles
Color: green and blue and pink and red!
Season: spring and fall ESPECIALLY FALL
Holiday: christmas, but more the season than the actual day 
Perfume/Cologne: any woody smell, like rosemary or eucalyptus 
Video Game: Wii Sports Resort I'm being deadass
T.V. show: daria
Smells: cut grass, dew, rain, eucalyptus, decomposing leaves
Article of clothing: sweaters and boots and flowy long skirts
Book: Inkheart, I read it first in second grade I am attached 
Children's Book: I had this book when I was small called If I Built A House or something and I AAATEE THAT UPPP I LOVED IT SO MUCH the only part I hated was the world "dee-lish" being used. It infuriated me. 
Candy: gummies and licorice
Car: corolla

Do You Believe....

In Karma: there's gotta be some sort of truth. so much happens during a lifetime I do think things balance themselves out eventually
In God: great question
In Heaven & Hell: great question. maybe not
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): it would be insane if in this giant ass universe we're the only living organisms ever. So yes I believe in aliens 
That ghosts exist: maybe. I'd like to, but also not
In horoscopes: I used to not, but they hit me with frightening accuracy every day and not in a vague way, I think there's some truth in them. or maybe its just what you look for
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): yes!
In yourself: undoubtedly

Your Opinion....

On the death penalty: it depends
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in school: no point it's just odd always has been
On homosexuals in the military: what? why not?
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: who
Current gas/fuel prices: inflation is crazy

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