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Linx black

linx Is such a dumb company and the shower gel that they have made is absolutely hideous/. did you know that their bottles are brone to falling over??? its
really incovinient because i will be ion the shower and the bottle falls onĀ  my foot and t hurts wo much and then i cry in the shower until michagen saves me.
also lynx actually killed j.f.k and m.l.k and they also started climate change which means that they are really mean and they use slaves to make their
shampoo. plys thew made an exbox shampoo which is bug dum dum because playustation is way better than xbox tand there is no playstation shampoo?????? also
theri bottlews are black and black is ar eally bad colour because it is what you see at night ntime and night time is really scary and sometimes at nighr
time i see people being really mean and it upsetw me so i go to see my mother and she makes me go to bed which means i cant play on my ds!!!!1!11!11! also
their bottles only have 700ml which isnt enough for the potions i make in the sink at 7:14 vpm which means i have to use lots and lots of bottles which means
that the sea tutrs are diying in the see and it is all lynxs fault and i hpope that they stop being bad. plus it has really ascary acids in it which will
kill me in the fitire which means that lynkes are merderers!!!!11!!!11!!!1!1!!! plus they said that it smells 100% awesome which is them lying because i
smelt it and it smells pof
yucky brocili which is unnice and all my friend call me brocili bpoy and i dont like it :(((( plus it has lacxtic acid in it which hurts your mussles and i
know this because my science teacher said so

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