The difference between being "cool" and "hip" as I see it.

I was just thinking today that I am pretty damn cool despite people making me think that I'm not throughout my life. It's like I've been conditioned to be so humble to the point that it morphs into self depreciation. I don't need mass approval to justify thinking that I'm one of the coolest people on the planet. As long as it doesn't mutate into narcissism. The key is balance, realizing your self worth and taking pride in individuality. There's also a difference between being "hip" and being "cool". Traits that I think are cool: open mindedness, wisdom, artistically inclined, tolerance, empathy, genuineness, critical thinking and last but not least imagination. Being hip I think is the opposite: surrendering to trends and peer pressure, conforming to standards and doing what everyone else is doing to fit in. Just be yourself. If you don't know who you are, meditate, go into nature, look within and free yourself from distractions. You can find it.

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I've noticed too that people will think you're lame... until you become attractive to them. Then all the stuff they mocked you for becomes cool and trendy x.x it's so dumb

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lol yeah it wasn't until I was about 15 that I kind of embraced doing my own thing regardless of what was hip and trendy. I never fit in even when I tried so it was a lost cause anyway. Lesson learned, be yourself. :)

by Lyrian Space Frequencies; ; Report