you don't deserve me because I did nothing wrong and you acted like this. it's a horrible feeling finding out that the people that you thought were your friends are the ones that are bad for you my heart starts hurting again I know the problem is: hanging out with the wrong people is what kills you slowly I did nothing wrong made some human mistakes because I'm growing as a person and becoming older but what you did to me is on another lever wrong and I would have never done this to you and that is why you don't deserve me im going to go as far away from this kind of people and I'm going to find me again to become stronger and better for when I'm back I'm not leaving for you so you don't need to feel special im leaving cus it is all i wanted to do since i was little its what I need right now so thank you for showing me the real you and now I know what I deserve and I can take a step closer by finding my type of people so im quiting my job tommorow one step closer to my final destination

you don't deserve me part 10
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