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Category: Life

im tired of being cold

im sick & tired of being cold, & i mean this is so literally. im anemic. which makes me prone to getting colder faster & more often than normal. in my opinion this winter has been extremely cold, various winter storms & more that normal rain & snow fall (but lets not get into the climate problems of the world). while im on the topic of "what-not-to-mention", can i just say that cold winters arent fun? i, as an individual who is always INDIVIDUAL, alone, does not have fun, in the sharp windy darkness that is winter. my body along with my mind reject this. i suffer physically & mentally. besides all of this though, i have realized how sick & tired i am of how cold it can be when youre alone. this severe lack of warmth is derived from the sickening feeling that is loneliness. its especially bad in winter when theres no other human in the world to gift you some of their body warmth. to be your own personal radiator of love. radiating warmth that makes the cold deepening in your bones & in your heart  a little less cold. being this alone has made me painfully cold, so this is why im tired of being cold.

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