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Category: Books and Stories

Part 1: Reading Midnight Sun By Stephanie Meyer

Oh my god I haven't even gotten past page 1 and I already have so many thoughts! Page one starts with Edward lamenting about how much he hates high school. If he hates it so much why does he go? If they really NEED that much of a complicated cover story for their lives why don't they just say they're homeschooled? It would be so much safer for everyone involved. 

I don't understand why they need such complicated cover stories. They don't owe anyone an explanation (even if they were human) about how they live or what they choose to do with their lives. 

Maybe I'm jumping the gun here. I just wish them going to high school made more sense. It feels weird reading a whole page of Edward complaining about something he doesn't even have to do. 

Whatever. I'm going to keep reading.

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