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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

the start of something new part 8

I got great news I am leaving soon I talked to my mom about it and she wants to help me I'm going for 6 months away I can't wait maybe all these things happened cus I needed the final push to leave I can't wait for a new fresh beginning and a new journey to find myself as the quotes go ''once you give up everything you can find a way to be happy it's one of my favorite quotes I don't think people realize that's its either I'm going away for 6 months or away forever I don't see the point in life anymore really I don't get what I'm doing here my only purpose has been since is was little is to leave and I'm finally doing it my grandma says as long as you don't stay there forever but omg I can't wait to be excited about this country again and coming back and hugging everyone but for now, I'm sick of most people and my heart is already there back to the place where i was happy and I'm going to find my happiness again my only hope is there as long as a sit-in that airplane I dreamed so many times about but in my dreams, i never get to the ending but I know when I sit in that airplane I'm already happier then I can even imagine right now the butterflies in your stomach not because of a boy but the excitement of the unknown its addicting a new journey still in the back of my mind goes the question will he miss me too but then I think will I miss him no he is been annoying as fuck lately what is there to miss only some old memories but I'm going to be making new better ones as long as I stay away from drugs I can be stable again and sadly alcohol too when my mental health goes up maybe I can try again 

my ''friend'' told me she knew the reason why people have been acting weird she said she will text me in a sec now it is my choice to believe its because she lies about a lot but it also means they have been talking about me today and that's not a nice feeling tbh now what am I going to do with this information that remains right now unknow am I going to ask for a second opinion or confront them but the thing is I confront them and gossip about the things she is saying then I'm one of them and that's what we been talking about to be better than them i think I'm going to choose for peace and whatever she says not let it get to me I was myself first with them now I'm not trying to be someone else just to fit in I want to leave as soon as possible so what is the point to kiss people's ass i don't care anymore if they cared they would have asked me but the don't they do know me enough for that kind of respect i love it there don't get me wrong i first thought the problem was me and my overthinking but no one is perfect and everybody got there sneaky little ways but i was once happy there before

turns out it was just about herself i know they don't like her because of action she did herself but how fake they can be is actually scary because you don't know if youre in that posion but then i think why would i be i  that posion i don't do anything weird 

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