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Category: Blogging

a glimpse into my life rn! (Blog entry)

I think this is almost my 10th blog entry, like for the sake of blogging my life. Exciting! Heya, Dio here! I'm in a long block study as usual, and felt the urge to make a nice long blog entry with lotsa effort as like last time! If this is your first time, perhaps peruse the previous posts (alliteration >:]) for some context on whats going on for me! But without further adueee... here we go!

Lets start off with some Spacehey News!! atleast, spacehey news for mee!!! recently reached 200+ followers, and I thought it might be cool to do a catmaid photo reveal as a fun little celebration here on my blog! If your interested in seeing a 15 yo tall skinny dork who's been called handsome a lil wear a genuinely not scantily clad dress over some clothes, return here this weekend, cuz I'm planning on doing so! Its not gonna show a lotta skin, but perhaps I'll pose or something uwu. I'm just doing something silly cuz i want to and am pretty comfortable and confidant with my body lmao. Also, almost 1000 views of my page!!! :000 thats pretty big of a number, I dont know if I've even met 1000 people irl! so thats cool, and maybe if I hit that number before wearing the costume it will be a lil celebration for that too hehe. 

Next, social life! It is going great with gf, we are gonna hang out afterschool! Dude. Cuddling with significant other is. holy shit, one of the best things ever. We are pretty close lmao and it took a while to get to where we are, but dude. Benefits. So much benefits. You gotta try cuddling even if you dont like touching people atleast once. It is so different and alien but intoxicating at the same time i asdaowjdaw. but yeah, we are gonna cuddle n hang and watch a movie I think
OOooo, speaking of interesting things to do with gf, we are probably gonna go look at the new Kirby game that just came out today! Yes, nintendo fans, pull out your credit cards, the mario odyssey of Kirby games just came out, and it looks SOO GOOD!! it even has multiplayer coop, which I think I will try out hehe. this is genuinely one of the coolest things I have been looking forward to since announcement. 
Also gaming topics, not really news, Hollow Knight. Please check it out, I need more people to join the army of Silksong complainers so I have people to rant about the game to. Yes, I know Elden Ring just came out and the audiance is pretty divided and split over it, but I don't care. Play Hollow Knight if you like platformers, metriodvanias, open world explorers, or just challenging games as a whole. Once you get stuck, look up a guide for like the first area. holy shit will it be worth it. Please dont drop the game until you get the dash ability from Hornet. There is so much to discover if you hold out. 

 I'm returning to the concept of Elden Ring. I really wanna get it, but its pretty expensive. i think imma try and buy some steam giftcards to order it for myself, I really do want more games honestly. I havn't played souls games before, but they honestly look like a lot of fun and skill based, my two favorite things; cuz nothing says relaxation like screaming and throwing your controller across the room (im kidding, im actually really chill when I play videogames lmao)

Terraria was just sitting in my steam library, but I dont really enjoy the pc version as much as the Mobile version I'm used to. My friends are offering to play it with me, but if I can't learn the pc controls I cant play with them ;-;. I swear, something about touchscreen is just easier for me, I was actually really into playing on mobile: beat the game on the hardest difficulty so many times, got all the achievements. Something about playing on a controller or keyboard on PC tho... yeesh. XP

Anyhow, lastly for games, my final shameless plug for Risk of Rain 2. Come on. please look for it. My game of the year if we count that the DLC just dropped adding so much new content. Holy crap, its so much fun. Just recently 100% it, i flipped out and posted on the subreddit about it, and got a lot of support. :,) bless that community, bless that game. It is both fun for hardcore gamers, casual players, and coop friends alike. Please pick it up, it is so replayable and I need more people to talk to about it. 

Academically not much to talk about.... as far things I'm doing in life, I'm going out to an escape room this weekend with family. It's going to be fun I think. Uhhhh. what else. I have back pain? tried sleeping in a different position, did wonders, until I went to school and sat in these god-awful chairs that hurt so damn badly. Probably carrying my backpack around all day, a 15 something pound bag, doesn't help. Cleaned it out last week, but dispite loosing like 5 pounds it is still heavy as fuck. I've weighed it, so its really that heavy. 

And thats about it for what I want to talk about today! Hope yall's days are well, tune back in for the maid outfit. iloveyouallgoodbye!!!!!!! <3333333 :3


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