So for the past few days I've felt like utter shit in a can. Everything I tried doing wasn't helping and was making me feel much worse. But this morning was better. I can't say it was good cause to be honest my days are never good I just have bad days and better days. Today's definitely better though. When I get like this I often ask myself how long this will last. I know that what Im experiencing right now is mania and I'm kinda okay with that. My last "manic episode'' lasted about a week, and I dyed my hair blonde within that timeframe, I also decided that I no longer care for peoples opinions about me. When that ended I felt like literal death. That was only two days ago... Yesterday was bad, like a very bad day. My head was doing its thing but I was having a hard time dealing with it. Imagine your trying to write a paper or finish something you feel is important and everyone in the world is trying to talk to you, thats what my brain is like sometimes. Most times its kinda like a teenagers computer. 1263746483 different tabs opened, 14636284 different conversations going on, music thats coming from god knows where and then me. I'm the person that got sold the laptop without being told theres viruses. Trying to be myself is also very hard because I HAVE NO IDEA WHO I AM, but I'd like to think I'm like this super cool fun person thats really hot and everyone loves me, lmao I made myself laugh with that one. I know who I am, I'm someone whos unpredictable, who switches more than a light, someone with severe mental health issues, and I'm someone whos just trying to survive the day. I don't know what I'm gonna call this but it feels good to write so I'm not gonna stopĀ
Am I getting better or am I manic?
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