the days are getting better and I feel like nothing is in my way I knew this day would come and I can't wait for what tomorrow brings I have some last word for you it feels like there is this circle going on that if you give me the attention I find happiness in that and if you act weird I feel sad but the thing is I don't care anymore you can have your bad days and act weird al you want it is fine it doesn't hurt me any more i just wished you decided to act differently in the perfect world we would of at least be friends I feel like you're hiding something you care about me but don't wanna tell me in person and ask other people about me you act cold in front of me it is weird and I don't know since I've been losing weight your friends keeps flirting with me slowly but even though I wanna discover i will never do things with him cus I still would want you I feel like I'm that pathetic that I secretly always choose you because you bring sunlight in life not a lot of people can do that but that also means you bring a lot of rain but make it a fucking rainbow

better days part 5
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