i can't destroy the black hole formed in the middle of my chest
while i slowly disappear
all these deceased eyes watching me
i know i have to do something
otherwise eventually this black hole will destroy me
huge deceased eyes watching me
as i dance alone in this endlessness
if i close my eyes even for a moment
i know that i will vanish completely
huge unhollow eyes watching me
as this black hole gets bigger and bigger
how do i close my eyes
Displaying 1 of 1 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Ares, I've read all the works you've shared and your communication skills, with tight formating....and the voice! You are very, very talented, Poet. The shadow space is a tough one to wander, I'm sure. Breaks the heart when so honestly shared. I was going to write I have no words....but apparently that's not the case. I'm very pleased you contacted me and drew attention to this. Be well.
William, thank you so much for your beautiful words. As English is my second language I try my best to express myself; I am glad that you enjoyed. Take care,
by Ares; ; Report
Really? Second language? Never would have known from this. May i ask what's your first?
by William; ; Report
I have been told that even when I write dark I leave space for light to come in. I am searching for even a light crack here for a faint beam of light and hoping it is there and just unseen at the moment. But yes, very tight writing here.
by Mike Carson; ; Report
I am Turkish so my first language is Turkish (very opposite of English). I try very hard to bring light to my daily life so I let every bit of darknes, be itself in my writings; so I can balance it :)
by Ares; ; Report
Turkish is a stretch away. Again, your English is very good. I understand Mike's search for light in his work, and a good writer he is, in the comment above. I am with you working out the dark side in writing. Better it go on the page than elsewhere. Write what you like, when you like and how you like. I look forward to more postings.
by William; ; Report
Thank you ^-^ I really appreciate every critic and opinion to improve my skills
by Ares; ; Report