Psst - you see that this is link-only? Yea? Well keep your damn mouth shut about it, then! Link it to whoever, but I'm keeping it this way so that it falls into the wrong hands at a much slower pace. I'm not a huge fan of drama when I'm in it!
This post assumes the reader knows the basics about fictionkin. Find my series on 'kin here - consider this a bonus post. This was posted on 16 Mar, 2022, but work on it started on 14 Mar, 2022.
It was last updated on 19 Mar, 2022.
What changed: Finishing touches, minor edits and corrections
This is my second attempt at writing this post. It may be updated as more information comes to light, or to later correct any inaccurate information.
Fromfiction made a name for himself as some sort of kin ambassador/historian - this would put us in similar 'lines of work'*, and I don't want this to be seen as smearing him. This is simply a post to explain why people may be uncomfortable with him.
*I don't really want to be considered either of these. I just like writing about this kind of stuff!
Fromfiction, also currently known as Jas and formerly as Felix, is quite possibly one of the oldest members of the fictionkin community that is still active in fictionkin circles today. He is a somewhat decent resource on 'kin (including how to know if you're 'kin among other things), and even runs a blog dedicated to soulbonding (which hasn't been updated in 4 years). Unfortunately, he's fallen victim to the amount of oversharing that most Tumblr users were prone to, and with Tumblr's 'kin community being full of teenagers, you could argue he was already at a disadvantage.
I've talked to some people who knew of him during his heyday on Tumblr, and it seems some people solely knew him as his kintypes - considering that, at the time, he considered himself the 'legitimate incarnations' of these characters, he is probably pleased with this in some way. I've heard that he would harass other users for being kin with the same characters as him, namely Vriska Serket from the webcomic Homestuck.
I say he was at a disadvantage because at the time, he was 30 years old. Personally I find it really sad if you have to make a huge post explaining why you can't back down from arguments due to trauma to a bunch of teenagers that you're way older than. I'm not sure what his financial situation was at the time, but he could definitely have found a therapist willing to lowball their rates - if not that, he was at least old enough to know that it's kinda weird to do that in a community that, at the time, was full of kids (as well as adults). I can't really imagine the clowning he got at the time, but I feel like modern Twitter would've destroyed him.
The blog fictionkinity and its followers often criticized Jas for multiple things - I'll list some here:
I don't have sources for most of this (neither does OP), and it seems the conversations are lost to time with the last thing (hence the 'allegedly'), but I will be searching for what I can.
- FFiction's soulbonding is very tulpa-esque and, at the time, he seemed to hold non-trauma-based plurality on the same level as OSDDID. This should really be a common criticism of many soulbonders.
- FFiction had allowed a well known 'proud pedophile' into a groupchat full of under 18s, shutting down the chat after being confronted and handling it. Here's him directly admitting it, with the link updated to reflect his current URL.
- Some nonwhite people want white people to state that they're white in their 'about' sections - FFiction had compared this to the holocaust.
- Regularly picking fights with under 18s, despite being literally 30 at this point.
- Having an entire section on his blog dedicated to stressing that his ex was mentally ill.
- Allegedly, FFiction had harassed one of the moderators of the blog personally, and was saying some really nasty things about the 'you can't kin outside your race' arguments that he wasn't saying off Skype in public.
The people of fictionkinity also seem to believe that FFiction is unreliable - I would have to agree on that. While his posts are a decent enough starting place, it's better to find other people and other communities - I personally take issue with anyone who claims to/acts like they know everything. Even for my own posts, I'm constantly looking through and finding other opinions (not all sources are linked, because I want to make sure they're reliable) even if I have my own.
While some kin drama can turn nasty (such as yanderebitchclub), it should be noted that Jas still participates in kin drama even now - just yesterday I was reading through his blog and on the first few posts he was arguing over spiritual v. psychological kin. I don't really care about the argument itself - you're a whole adult now, you really do have better things to do. The young'uns can take this on their own.
Jas has also displayed hypocrisy before. One example I can think of is that his BYF/DNI states he finds it suspicious if 'you have a list of 30 kintypes all gained in the last year', stating that knowing you're kin takes time. While I agree on some level, he also appears to have gained multiple kintypes in a very short timeframe, kind of making his argument not make as much sense...
Personally I think it's also worth reading this post about himself, where he talks about how he discovered he was kin with Vriska Serket. I think it says a decent bit about his character.
He has a Discord server. I would advise to stay away, if the groupchat thing means anything to you.Names: Jas (current), Felix (former)Age: 36 as of 2022 (dob 15 Jan 1986)Pns: he/himLast known carrd: therookery.carrd.coMost known kintypes: Vriska Serket (Homestuck), Ken Ichijouji (Digimon), Pearl (Steven Universe)Known Tumblr URLs: captain-s-mindfang (former, inactive), captain-v-mindfang (former, inactive) fromfiction (current), soulbonder (current, inactive), doctorcorby (current)Other social media & sites: Twitter, Dreamwidth,, From Fiction - An Archive,, Pillowfort (be warned, some of it is NSFW!)
Fictionkinity on Tumblr: this is purely out of curiosity, but what's wrong with f/romf/iction? (... And his response | Web archive)
AnOtherWiki: TheDarkEricDraven (For more on the pedophile)
Captain-s-mindfang on Tumblr: Why I can't disengage from hostile, irrational arguments (Web archive, live link)
Captain-s-mindfang on Tumblr: About me/byf (Web archive)
Fromfiction on Tumblr: The Vriska thing (Web archive, live link)
Yanderebitchclub: the kin drama that changed Tumblr (for more on yanderebitchclub)
Sources will be added as I can find them - old Tumblr stuff is actually kind of hard to find. Help is very much appreciated.
- Kin: Believing that you or your soul is a reincarnation of something
- Fictionkin: Kin, namely with fictional characters. Formerly known as Otakukin/Otakin
- Kintype: Whatever you're kin with (eg foxkin)
- Double: A double is someone who is kin with the same character as someone else. Some people don't like them, others do, most people don't care either which way
- Soulbonding: To form or experience a robust connection with one or more fictional characters
- Tulpamancy: A Buddhist practice appropriated by /mlp/ to talk to their beloved ponies
- OSDDID: Umbrella term for DID/OSDD
- Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID): Dissociative disorder characterized by 'multiple personalities' and blackouts
- Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSDD): Dissociative disorder characterized by 'multiple personaltiies' and emotional amnesia
- Non-trauma-based plurality: People who are plural, but do not have OSDDID
- Legitimate incarnation: The most pretentious way to say you aren't comfortable with doubles
- Kin drama: Drama surrounding 'kin - usually petty, can turn for the worse
- Before-you-follow (BYF): Page on an 'about' section detailing who they don't want interacting with them and other things to keep in mind (also called a Do-not-interact/DNI)
- Twitter: Online news and social networking site - mostly known for divisive politics, misinformation, and getting Tumblr drama 5 years later
- Tumblr: Microblogging platform mostly known nowadays for its wild drama and lingering reputation of the SJW
- Dreamwidth: Online journal, alternative to Livejournal
- Pillowfort: Microblogging site similar to Tumblr, gained popularity after the 2018 porn ban
- Carrd: An 'about me' page
- One of the many fictionkin-centered sites FFiction has made
- One of the many fictionkin-centered sites FFiction has made
Displaying 1 of 1 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
not a part of thhis community, but this seems well formatted. hope you can spread the word about this person at the pace youd like to!
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Glad you think so! People who were around then ('then' being ~2016) probably know of him, but I know a lot of people out there likely have never heard of the guy before.
by Nikita; ; Report