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Yanderebitchclub: the kin drama that changed Tumblr

This is part of a series of posts about the concept of kin and its history. For a more comprehensive explanation of what kin is, check here. A glossary is also included at the bottom for convenience, as not all terms are immediately explained. Work on this post started on 20 Feb, 2022, and it was posted to Spacehey on 27 Feb, 2022. This is the post's fourth and final draft, as it will be updated with new information as I find it.

Due to the nature of this event, this post will likely never be considered 'complete'. A lot of information is missing and I'm still working on digging everything up - a lot of unexpected things keep unfolding as I continue, causing me to have to stop and go back to a researching phase. Tumblr drama is not to be underestimated, or even really understood, so bear with me.

It was last updated on 05 Aug, 2024.
What changed: Unlisted entry. Keeping up for posterity. Will probably stay up even if the others are deleted, unless I can improve on it later.
07 Mar, 2022: Corrected bits of information to maintain accuracy
03 Mar, 2022: Formatting
28 Feb, 2022: Mixed up my dates!

While it appears to have fallen out of fashion, there was once a trend where people would have 'I don't identify outside my race' on their kinlist - some would even opt to have it more front-and-center on their main 'about' pages or their 'before-you-follow's. While this seems peculiar nowadays, people in the mid-2010s had a very real fear of being accused of racism over a matter as small as 'kin.

This fit of hysteria could not have started at a better time in Tumblr's community. Callout culture had finally found its foothold on the site, and the only way to prove yourself a credible, good person, was to point out all of the bad things other people were doing - who cares how terrible you were? The faster and better you could attack others, the more power you held - the more people were afraid of you.

One of the most powerful people on the fictionkin side of Tumblr at the time was a blog known as yanderebitchclub.

Yanderebitchclub (YBC) is the URL associated with a handful of users who would harass and attack others for being kin outside of their race and ability. This argument would be adopted by others regardless of how into discourse they were, and eventually people became so divided and convinced of their opinions that being kin outside of your race would be something you'd genuinely find on a callout post, usually held in as high regard as actually heinous actions.

'You can't kin outside your race' is an argument meaning that white people can only kin other white people, Asian people can only kin other Asian people, so on and so forth. This argument often treats races as homogenous, which can be considered quite offensive to some (after all, India is not Cambodia!). Another argument that circulated around this time was the same, but in reference to physical ability (meaning you couldn't kin a blind person if you could see). This argument wasn't thrown around as much and seemed to fade into obscurity much quicker.

Aside from the already present problems with this argument, it also assumes that fictionkin believe they are their kintypes so much, they'll claim to know cultures on this Earth better than the people who live them, or maybe even claim to be 'transracial'. In reality, any 'kin worth their salt knows they'll never fully understand the lives they've lived, and would never claim to understand things they've never experienced in this one! (Many people also thought that you could choose your kintypes a la new-age kinnies - at the time, this was absolutely not the case, as the overwhelming majority of 'kin were spiritual.)

While YBC's reign ended in 2016, callout culture was prevalent until the porn ban exodus of 2018, when it made its way to Twitter.

Many things contributed to the fall of YBC, although the biggest factor is likely their own hubris. The credibility of YBC (as well as the argument in regards to 'kin and race) dwindled more and more as information about the group came to light - it turned out they were likely worse than any of the people they had ever called out.

An example of their kin-related harassment can be found here - this shows an exchange between YBC and user aspdhehe, where YBC is attacking them for being kin with the World is Mine version of Hatsune Miku. There's also this archived group of posts - I believe psychocollective was a blog in charge of making fun of people being ridiculously edgy or faking their mental disorders, and YBC was a target of this blog. These two instances of YBC are not the worst everyone experienced, and I have a feeling that some people feel lucky this was the extent of their interactions.

There were around four people associated with YBC, but the only two I could find sources on were Satoko and Kitsu (the other two are Shion and Mio*). Both of the posts talking about them will be linked in the sources, and I'll summarise them both here. It is advised that if you are sensitive to topics such as rape or animal abuse to either stop reading or take a minute before continuing.
*Previously this had erroneously mentioned Seiko as a member of YBC. Seiko was an associate, but not a member. Kitsu seems to have had alters with names shared by both members and associates of the YBC, which makes it a little bit harder to distinguish people.

Satoko had been accused of both emotional and sexual abuse. Her ex, known as Sawsbuck in the archived post, writes about this in detail, mentioning things such as:
  • Isolating them from friends.
  • Pressuring them into sexual roleplay (while they were only 13).
    • In these roleplays, Satoko would force Sawsbuck into a more feminine role, worsening their dysphoria.
  • After Satoko left Sawsbuck, she would harass them on various other media such as deviantART, which affected Sawsbuck greatly, in part due to their panic disorder.

Other accounts of Satoko's abuse are linked via pastebin and appear to be in working order.

Sawsbuck also details other things Satoko has done:
  • Implying herself to be an animal abuser, or at least threatening to harm other animals.
  • Cultural appropriation - in this case, racefaking.
    • Satoko claimed to be Japanese/Latina, but had an extremely white name, appearance, and family (according to her now inaccessible Facebook). She would go by Asian names and speak in Japanglish, 'and generally appropriates Japenese [sic] culture quite heavily'.
  • Accusing random people of faking disorders (such as DID and autism), as well as taking advantage of Sawsbuck's own mental problems.
  • Fetishizing rape and displaying transphobic behaviour.
  • Lying about her age.
  • Faking her own suicide.

Luckily, Kitsu was not as outright evil as Satoko, or at least no evidence has come up that she is.

Kitsu claimed to be many things, including but not limited to: mixed race, intersex, transgender (MTF), autistic, and a system (a person with DID or OSDD). In reality, she was none of these things, but these lies of course were believed.

Kitsu claimed her parents elected to raise her dmab (as a boy). Since she identified as a woman, she would be considered a trans woman. However, people eventually found photo evidence of her being raised dfab (as a girl) as a young child, and it was found out that she was a cis woman. These photos, which were present in the callout, also show that she is white. Her racefaking is the first thing touched on in the callout.

Kitsu's DID had apparently stemmed from being raped, with her rapist viewing her as some sort of 'exotic Asian prise'. When it came out that she was whiter than white, her entire story fell apart, and due to this lack of childhood trauma it's generally agreed that she was faking her DID. The callout against her states that she can't be autistic because she could keep up with all the lies surrounding her persona, and the elaborate roleplay of having multiple alters - while I don't believe this to be true, it may be that Kitsu was claiming to be on the low functioning part of the spectrum*. Despite this, she claimed to be diagnosed with Asperger's, and her story changed often.
*'High functioning/low functioning' is an outdated way of referring to the 'severity' of autism.

Her callout also mentions her being sexual with minors. Unfortunately, this part of the callout was not properly archived, and the testimonies cannot be accessed. There is a problem with this section of the callout. Kitsu is said to be 17, turning 18 soon. 'Being sexual with minors' doesn't quite make sense considering that she was still a minor herself, and people her age would've been considered minors. It's likely implied that the minors in question were under 16.

It is stated, however, that she has admitted to masturbating in call without telling others, which is still inappropriate behaviour. I would suggest taking this part with a grain of salt until more information is found. If I find anything, I'll update this section accordingly.

At the end of Kitsu's downfall, she apparently did not rebut any of the points about her systemfaking, racefaking, and alleged inappropriate actions - instead, she posted a picture of a baby doll's arm, thumb visible, in between her legs as a last ditch attempt to prove she had a penis. I will not be linking this photo, but I have seen it, and it's real.

Other people associated with YBC were called out on later dates. Shion's ex boyfriend, jaibo, was called out along with his partner at the time, artemisfowlii. It is advised that if you are sensitive to topics such as lolicon or pedophilia to either not look or take a minute before clicking on the link to the post.

A user named plushgod claimed to be Kitsu in early 2016, however this was proven false and it appears she only ever claimed to be Kitsu in order to have an excuse to be abusive toward others. You may also know plushgod as Bianca Devins - apparently people were actually using her plushgod days to justify her murder. For more on what happened to Devins, Wikipedia is a good place to start. Please do not use her days on Tumblr as justification for what happened to her.

It appears that all four people involved in YBC and their associates have completely scrubbed their online presence (with a few exceptions, such as Seiko's old selfie twitter) and either left the internet or are more private now. Satoko does appear to have an active Twitter account, but I will not be linking it in case she sees and decides to delete everything. It appears she's claiming to be black now, if that's any judge to her character. <-- It appears this user may have been one of Satoko's friends at some point, but is not her. Satoko is active on Twitter, but does not claim to be black.

Most 'kin who were awakened or joined Tumblr in 2017 and beyond (and especially the new-age crowd) may not be aware of who or what YBC was - some lucky ones, even if affected by their actions, may be truly unaware of who they were, too. In some ways, this is great! In others, I worry that forgetting about this moment in Tumblr's history will cause it to repeat itself elsewhere. How the mighty have fallen.

It seems someone had taken the senjougahara13 URL from Kitsu.

Jack, Anam, Nara, Eli, and the people who came forward/archived these posts

  • Kin: Believing that you or your soul is a reincarnation of something
  • Fictionkin: Kin, namely with fictional characters. This was what otakukin rebranded to
  • New-age kinnies: What happens when you don't know what you're talking about.
  • Kinlist: A list of one's kintypes
  • Before-you-follow (BYF): Page on an 'about' section detailing who they don't want interacting with them and other things to keep in mind
  • Callout culture: Early form of  'cancel culture'
  • Discourse: Literally means discussion, though often use to prefer to meaningless arguments online
  • Callout post: A post detailing problematic actions one has done - these can either be really petty or warning people about nazis or rapists
  • Transracial: A troll identity meaning someone identifies outside their race (most often seen as 'white to black', however there are more notable cases who don't follow this)
  • MTF: Male to Female, older term used to describe transgender women
  • DMAB: Designated male at birth - alternative term: AMAB (assigned male at birth)
  • DFAB: Designated female at birth - alternative term: AFAB (assigned female at birth)
  • Asperger's: Asperger's syndrome - older term for Autism, but is still commonly used/diagnosed (also considered 'high functioning' autism, another antiquated term - however my information may be slightly inaccurate)
  • DID/OSDD: Dissociative disorders characterized by multiple personalities and varying types of amnesia
  • Systemfaking: Pretending you have DID or OSDD
  • Racefaking: Pretending you are of another race


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shelvedbeans's profile picture

Wow. I was just looking through some old things and ended up stumbling on this.
Words can't begin to describe how odd it feels to read about them, I'm not sure I ever really fully processed what these people really did

It might seem like it was some immature drama from young teenagers, but as far as I can recall some of these people were around 17 at the time

I really hope that a lot of them have changed as I don't wish what they did and said on anyone. I was one of the people who were harassed by someone from that group. Death threats and suicide baiting was aplenty, which caused my paranoia and anxiety to worsen for a long time. I don't blame anyone else who took what they said to heart as it was truly vile.

There are times I wish I had gotten an apology or some closure on it since parts of it are still affecting me to this day. I remember saving screenshots from way back then just in case they ever showed up to threaten and harass me or my friends again. I probably still have them on a USB somewhere

The things that people would do to justify their behavior back then was something else entirely. I know that if anyone had actually followed through with what they wrote that they may very well have been charged with something. As far as I know I'm just relieved that no one hurt themselves because of them

Thank you for the detailed history and explanations

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masara's profile picture

Holy hell, This is indeed the 'Don Giovanni' of white chicks. Scorned Don Anna's, heart broken over their betrayal. 'I thought you were an innocent, multi-system, interracial trans girl in an abusive household. How could you do this to me?'
Bewitched Leporellos, chained to their white girl trash master, enabling in the sickest gayops, while also praying their Don Yandere changes their wicked ways. All of them, devastated, autistic, furry. Sad. Very sad.

I wonder, is there a specific type of term for someone who does stuff like this? It reminds me of GRB'S mother (munchausen's by proxy), and those netflix documentaries you'd see of serial killers/scammers. Except with the internet, you can be a crazy bitch fulltime. So long as you find the right communities to do it in, you'll always find a mark. I've known chicks like this. It's like, the mix of race-faking, lying, abusing, scamming, and everything else. It's every white girl nonsense vice stuffed into one. What do you call that? It's definitely pathological.

It's hilarious and horrifying at the same time. You can scare the shit out of little girls online by sending them gore and telling them you're a multiple system of 9; ALL of them heads on the body of a mixed japanese transgender female hydra, so don't you dare think of fucking crossing her or else, bitch. Just like that, you have the dumb, gullible, teenage, impressionable at your knees. Insane. They've perfected the art of ripping apart of a very specific subsect of stupid online.

Bwahahaha. They are perfect for the environments they lurk in, like fat white girl apex predators hunting down the idiots (and to-be paypigs) who believe any sad story, to become fodder for their dysfunctional life styles. I'm just fascinated. They're horrible but they get away with it because the people they victimize are even dumber than they are, and its all they need. To do it not just once, but for *years*! I bet these chicks are saying they're like, black trans girl cheetah-kins somewhere just doin' the same shit to some other stupid idiot, and funding their degenerate furry lifestyle on the side, with similarly gullible to death autists who are just hoping their scammer queens will one day change, being so invested in them.

There are sure to be more adventures in the future of these. I can't believe they're still at it, 10 years later. These ladies ever heard of college degrees? I hear you can get them online, even.

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virovirokun's profile picture

Omgg did you get your degree in tumblr lore or something lolololol /lh

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SwtPiano's profile picture

You are a scholar

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TikkaNatsu's profile picture

tumblr sure was a hellfire

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by michael afton; ; Report


ORB's profile picture

100% real

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winniee's profile picture

wow this is like super informative and really good! I love this

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HEX 's profile picture

i love this!!!

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kyemi's profile picture

i loved this !! tumblr drama is always incredibly interesting but also super confusing? i loveeee ur explanations and writing :)

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CJ's profile picture

this was so interesting to read. you are an amzing writer omg

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gio dorito

gio dorito's profile picture

this is INCREDIBLE, i can't believe we all lived thru this asdkjgajk

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Jess's profile picture

in retrospect I remain constantly surprised that tumblr both made me and broke me

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Noelle's profile picture

Wow! This is really well put together!

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Sal Fisher

Sal Fisher's profile picture

I really like how you've put this all together, it was really interesting

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gaz ☆

gaz ☆'s profile picture

wow, there's so much going on here...completely missed this but have fond memories of the absolute shitstorms that used to go down when people were called out for kinning outside their race. i remember someone even had a go at my friend for kinning WITHIN their race because they personally (and for reasons nobody else could understand) interpreted the character differently.

in retrospect i have no idea how friends and i were able to both keep up the pretense of it being a past life thing and crusade against people kinning anime characters at the same if the soul has a static race. thanks for the write up, real classic stuff - hopefully the people involved have all chilled out by now 👍

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I hope so, too! The potential Satoko account seems to just be a normal furry artist.

by Nikita; ; Report

Could I maybe IM you? I want to discuss this a bit further, but I don't want to create a lengthy comment thread since such are difficult to read.

stickman fighter

by DariaPaul; ; Report