Freinds,exs, and drama

Tigger warning! Mentions of SA! I tend to not be an incredibly dramatic person but thw last 6mo or so it's been constant and most of it isn't even mine. as mentioned in a previous blog I have an ex I dated for 2 years. It was one hell of a break up I ended and their was alot of anger for many many reasons and some of them weren't even just solely us problems. We're still great freinds though we've had our ups and downs since. In mid to late December a freind of mine started having problems with their s/o note they where in a poly relationship and also been dating this person for 2 years. I never like this person they were younger than us and had been known to say and hang around problematic people. Essentially I was the "dump them wtf is wrong with you freind" because there had been plenty of times that I knew they cheated on my freind (Essentially kissing,maybe fucking, and flirting) and they never broke up but what was the nail in the coffin was that their s/o had another person from their poly relationship that my freind broke up with a few months ago and was mostlikly fucking them on their 2 year anniversary. THANK FUCKING GOD it was over right? No. Not even like a day later their former s/o was like "I'm so sorry I want you back I'll be better I promise I wasn't fucking her we where just talking about you that was all" I ovoisly was my freinds confidant and like I was reading their messages and like hold up this sounds a lot like gas lighting and a lil bit like self victimizing. So they where like really and I was like here so me some other messages and man the amount of gaslighting,lovebombing, and manipulation I saw was astronomical man. So they started to work through alot of what their relationship was like and they quickly realizes their relationship was absolutely ass. Now I'm not saying my friend is a Saint no they did a bunch of shit wrong too I'm not turning a blind eye to that they manipulated alot too. But yeah they came a point like realized that their first time (if you catch my drift) was Hella forced by their former s/o like cohesion and constant begging and my freind eventually said fuck it I don't want to listen to you anymore and they did it in the school hallway. Now my freind NEVER wanted to jack in public and like their s/o said it was the only time they could do it. So they talked about this around some people in guard and people talked about it obviously and like a lot of people said that was rape and like their former s/o heard and ig got a pair of balls. They came up to my group of freinds in the lunch room full of about 400 people and started YELLING "I never fucking raped you you little bitch. I never touched you without your fucking permission. Keep spreading that shit and I'm gonna fucking punch you." Ironically that weekend they got the shit beat out of them and their arm broken because they where touching up on this chick (one of the chick's that they cheated on my freind with) but this chick had a boyfriend and she cheated on him so when my friends former so was touching up on Her he told her to stop and they like threatened this dude and you know what happened. But also while this was happening they go another poly person in a relationship with them and the person beforehand also got someone and it didn't take long for the previous poly person and them to break up after that and now she too is saying my freinds former s/o s'a ed them and apparently orher ppl are coming out with shit this person did to them. Thus person is convinced it's all my freinds fault but that's all for now. I have some more bull shi in this and deets if anyone wants that if anyone actually read all if this

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