Am I too much of an alien? I wish it wasn't so hard to make friends. Platonic and non-platonic.

Ever since third grade this was never something that came easy for me. It's so rare that I meet anyone that I can really connect with. I'm not into anything superficial, or compromising my personality or whatever for someone. I know I'm an interesting person and somewhat physically attractive. I don't lie, cheat or do drugs or wish harm on anyone. I consider myself  polite, genuine, talented musically and artistically. I'm creative and wise. Am I lacking something or am I just a rare breed? I am pretty introverted and I have self esteem problems that get to me sometimes. However that doesn't seem to impact others to the extent it has to me. I've only had a couple girlfriends in my life and I always got dumped. It's just frustrating and lonely. With friends actions speak louder than words. I continue to feel like no one is truly interested. I wish I could meet people that could love me like my cat does. If my standards are too high so be it and if I'm destined to be alone in this life that is sad. Maybe I'll have better luck in the next life. I try to remain optimistic but I'm already 41 and I still haven't met anyone in person that I feel comfortable enough around to be fully intimate with. I guess I really am an alien and a very lonely one. I don't see the point in lying about my inexperience anymore. I am who I am and if people can't love me for me then so be it. It's a battle remaining optimistic but I prefer not to die alone.

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Lucy's profile picture

I understand this all too well.

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Well I'm glad someone does. Thank you.

by Lyrian Space Frequencies; ; Report