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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

How 2 be very swag money like mwah (a multistep tutorial)

Hai!!! i hear you want to be awesome and epik like me!!! "YUP" chu say, "i do want to love myself and learn how to stand strong like chu!" Well.. let me tell you a secret... Not all these steps will work for chu!!! These steps explain my journey achieving stability! just becuz sum dont work for chu doesn't mean chu cant improve and grow as a person :3!!!!!!! Also i left alllooooootttttttt out. this process took me 3 years so i kinda had to so i didnt ramble on and on. I use teh words "Accept and Cherish" too much and it kinda getz repeative but ur not the one writing this, ur the one improving!!!

Step 1.  Accepting the past and present
Learn from your trauma and accept it happened but that doesn't mean it should consume you. Leave your abusers and learn to accept the past. You are broken but that doesn't mean you can't be fixed. The past is the past. The future is the future. You are right here. Right now. If you spend all your time worrying about the future that's how you'll spend all of it! If you keep dwelling on the past you wont even realize that there a future of living ahead. You had terrible times and amazing times in the past. Certain people will come and go despite how much you beg them to stay. Experience life here and now without worrying who or what will leave. 

Step 2.  Learning to accept change.
Who do you want to be? Who are you? Who do you NOT want to be? You shoudl already be who you want to be and who you want to be will change over time. Your life is constantly changing and who you want to be will change aswell. It might even change into who you would've hated to be a few years ago. Don't be afraid to become something you hate. You should always love you despite what you look like or how you behave.

Step 3.  Accepting the world isn't about you.
Not everyone in the world loves you or even likes you for that matter. There are people who hatte you and want you dead. You may annoy them or sound weird to them and that might hurt. However there are thing that annoy or confuse you even if they aren't other people. Thats how they feel and the most you can do is respect them and move away from them. There are other people in this world with such different world views. You are one of billions of world views and you should cherish how you experience the world and how others do to. Try to be nice to everyone because their world view could be as terrible as yours.

Step 4. Get off of the internet
Despite how fun it may be, GET OFF. This may be hard if you have a chronic addiction to the internet but i swear real life is AMAZING. Learn to cherish the animals and people around you each day instead of a few pixels on your screen. Try to limit the internet and only get one to text your loved ones. The internet can keep you scrolling for hours and subject you to terrible things. Get off for your own benefits and only get on as a treat for around 4 hours. Spend most of your time in the present and not staring at your screen.

Step 5. Accept the pain
Ur life is gonna suck for like,, 1/4 of the time spent on god's green earth but thats still 3/4 time for lovin'!!!! "Its already been so painful and hard to bear." you say "Improving sounds hard anyways" Well tell urslef to shut the fluff up!!!! Life is hard, and ur gonna get beat da fluff up by it but the love and the experiences l8ter make it all worth it!! Whether that be the people or the series, theres always something worth supporting and loving!! The pain happens so you know the bliss of being painless!

Step 6. Express yourself
Do what you love! Draw or wear skirts!! anything ethical!!!!! There are always gonna be h8ters (said in step 3) but you should love yourself no matter what!!! They may call you slurs or to kys but embrace the slurs and b like "Yeh bro i am totes a fag!!!! X3"!!!!! even if chu got no fans you got one person who cares about you and thats yourself!! Hopefully after the past 5 steps you have learned theres so much moar to live for and the way stuff makes you happy should outweigh the people being mean becuz they TOTEZ do not know about step 3!!!! Ur also allowed to feel emotions btw. Ur allowed to feel angry or happy. Ur allowed to express your emotions to people.

Step 7. Continue to grow.
Huh? step 6 was the last step?? NOPE!!!!!!! U r gonna continue to grow as a person and ur gonna add moar and moar steps because growing as person takes moar that 6 stepz (crazy i know). don't ever give up and continue fighting for your life and the things/people you love!!! Cherish the time you have here and what you love!!! Have patience for these steps as you have to work hard and long to achieve them. They may take years or months and they do not always go in order. Hecc im still working on step 1 while i got step 5 down!!! just remember to love yourself and find your own ways of growth because im not gonna be there to teach you. This is something you have to learn on your own and i hope you succeed!!!<3

2 Kudos


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