Thinking Back on 2000's Internet Culture... [TW: S**ual Assault Mention]

So let's establish that I am an old person who basically lived online in 2006-2012 in my middle and high school years. Yes, acknowledge my geriatric ass. I revel in my senior discounts! (I wish.)

Something that I've discussed with my partner is the bizarre humor content creators seemed to put out. Like, there was a lot of jokes in flash animations centered around a character being a r*pist or a p**ophile? I would watch these flash animations with my friends and we'd all just awkwardly chuckle to relieve the tension I think, because the "jokes" were kinda really uncomfortable.

What was up with that? Weirdo, creep shit...

Sometimes I think p**doph*lia is a lot more common than what is speculated. I know r*pe is massively underreported so I know for sure there are many, many unknown assaulters among us.

Why was that such a common joke to make back then? I don't find that kind of stuff funny. Unless you're joking about your own experiences. Even then though, jokes like that shouldn't be made in an easily accessible setting without a trigger warning.

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