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Category: Life

So i quit facebook...

So I quit Facebook today. I am waiting for the fallout of what I posted today, but I thought I would share it with everyone here. It took me roughly 10 hours to write all this out and figure out how I wanted to proceed. So please let me know what you think!

TW: pretty much everything... 

So as you have all noticed I have not posted in awhile. That is because I was in Facebook jail. Why you may ask. Well let me tell you! I had the audacity to tell someone they were a racist on a post. LE GASP?! I HEAR YOU SAY!!! Why would I ever say that?! 

Well...BECAUSE THE FUCKING PRICK IS! The literal post he put called someone a worthless N-word and that they hope they K- themselves. But yes. My post went against community guidelines. Just some bonus info here...their post is still up and I was told does not go against their guidelines. 

So with that. I say goodbye. I am done with Facebook. I am done with this bullshit. I'm done with toxicity, hate and anger 24/7 here. 

So...what does that mean for me and for this page? I will not be scrolling or posting anymore on here. My mental health just can't take it and there are much more enjoyable social media's I own that I love to use. No more religious, political, personal, channel updates, memes...none of it. I am done. I will be keeping Facebook because I can't remember any of you fuckers birthdays and Facebook does the work for me. So I will check for birthdays and that's pretty much it. 

I have other means for people to be able to contact me and if you know you know. (If you want to ask about getting new contact info message me through messenger and I will update you)

So where do I go from here? Same thing I been doing every night pinky. Twitch streams daily (5pm est), constantly making and selling art, content creation on tiktok and YouTube. All that fun stuff! And I hope you all continue to follow me on this amasing journey! 

Now to piss some people off because I'm going to get very very personal and open up more then I have before. 

I am Slade. I am 33. I'm nonbinary and my pronouns are they/them. If you can't respect that. You don't respect me. Therefore you don't deserve me. I am no longer budging on this. He/him causes me alot of anxiety and gender dysphoria now. Just as you can respect celebrities that go by stage names. Just as you respect name changes after marriage. Just as you respect nicknames. You can respect my pronouns as well. 

If you mess up that is understandable, but make sure you correct yourself. Sorry is not acceptable because it puts me in the position of saying "that's ok" and it is not. Simply say "my bad" or whatever, correct the sentence and move on. I'm pretty chill and have been pretty chill but I just can't do it anymore. It's fucking with my mental headspace. 

Furthermore don't ask me what I was before I learned I am nonbinary. Wether I was born male, female or whatever does not matter anymore. I am nonbinary. What's in my pants does not effect you unless you are one of my partners. 

So...why do I identify as nonbinary? It's simple. It is how I feel. Some days I wake up and feel masculine, other days I wake up and feel more feminine. Most days I feel kinda inbwtween...I want my beard and a dress...or I wanna be full femme presenting or full masc presenting...I am happy this way and that is what matters. I am open to questions as long as they are respectful. 

But this is who I am and that's not changing. So please respect that... 

Now I hear you ask...why?
Why am I making a post like this?
Its simple. Alot of people think this is all new. My beliefs, my gender identify, my outlook on life and blah blah blah. No...this is how I have felt for pretty much my entire life. I have been polyamorous since I was around 15 in a long distance relationship with a girl and her best friend. I just did not know it was a thing. I did not understand that there was a name for what we had. Our society beats it into us that to win at life you need a... one opposite sex partner, kids, house, car and a job. 

Our media does not teach us about polyamorous relationships. Biracial and same sex relationships are still seen as pandering in media. It's ridiculous. Representation is important. 

As far as me being nonbinary. I have had female clothes hidden in my house since I was around 15. I remember going to the thriftshop on bag day and sneaking in skirts or knee high socks into the bag. I didn't know I was nonbinary or understood while I liked wearing mixed clothes or feminine clothes. I did not understand why I loved my hair to be so long. (I miss my long hair so bad) cutting it traumatized me so badly that now if it's past a certain length I panic and have to cut it. (I also cry almost every time I get it cut. 

I was so afraid what everyone would do if it was found out. I'm not going to speak ill of anyone. But when you grow up in a state who can't figure out fucking bathrooms should not be complicated. Hearing people talk horrible of the wachowski sisters. Or Trans people. Growing up hearing people getting called fruitcakes for dressing up makes you hide more... 

Hearing christans speak such hatred twords those in the LGBTQ+ community. It made me not even want to explore and learn who I am and was. It made me hide it away in fears of burning in hell. I hid who I was for so long.... 

Makes you question everything about yourself. I have had two suicide attempts in my life...both before I was 18. Noone knows this accept a very very select few. I thought I was a freak. An outcast even in the eyes of outcasts. I don't regret those attempts though because they have made me appreciate life so much more now. 

Made me understand that while I saw the world with one set of eyes. It does not make it the only set of eyes that the world is viewed through. With this I have learned. Grown, pushed to find out more and experience more. And with all of this I have learned who I am, what I will do and where I am going... 

Now we are going to get into politics. Woooooooo! I hear you say! So let's just get into it. I am an independent. I believe in the right to bear arms, death penalties and maximum sentences. I also support gun control, accountability and other means of punishment for crimes. I think Democrats and Republicans are both fucking crazy.
If you follow Trump you are in a cult. They rolled a golden statue of Donner Trumpspurs onto a N**i stage. You supporting a "man" like this is creepy. You no longer follow a party of beliefs you follow a golden calf. It is fucking creepy the way people were literally bowing and crying over imagery of this orange clown. 

Biden is not a golden goose but he is not a literal N**i so there is that. So here is a list of everything that needs to be said right now. White privilege is a thing. Systemic racism is a thing. Socialism can work. Gun rights are allowed in the US, Mexico and Guatemala. Hmmmm...makes ya think don't it. If you said BLM was a terrorist organization yet called those that stormed the capitol patriots. You are a terrorist. 

Let's talk bathrooms now! If you support the bill that bans Trans people from the bathrooms they identify you are a fucking asshole and a hypocrite, and I'm gonna prove it. The reason everyone says that Trans should not be allowed in the bathroom is because they are going to be predators on children. "You don't want your daughter in with one of them!" Yet you also say that "gun bans/control won't stop criminals from getting them" Go. Fuck. Yourself. We just want to piss in peace. Wanna know who is usually to blame for child molestation? Family members and  church staff... 

Trans people are not trying to fuck your kids or you. You do know what we have statistics for though? Trans people being attacked in bathrooms. Like I said before. You think bathroom laws are the solution? Go fuck yourself. 

I have so much more I can say on all of this but I'm gonna leave that for later. And definitely not on Facebook. 

Now if you have made it this far I'm sure I'm gonna lose you on this next part. 


I grew up Christian. A religion I was taught to be based on faith, love and helping your fellow person (man). I was taught that thoughts and prayers can heal all wounds. That miracles can and do happen. That the word of God is is powerful. 

Where? In the last few years of me looking around. REALLY looking around I see no evidence of this. Is it in Africa where hundreds of thousands of people live in poverty? Is it in Mexico where the violence is so bad they literally take the chance of being jailed and deported elsewhere. Or worse killed on the border to escape? Is it in the US where we have allready had 120 mass shootings since the start of this year? Is it anywhere in the world where beer flu has claimed almost 3 million lives? 

When? Was it when Christains were burning people at the stake for the possibility of them being a witch? Was it when the church covered up millions of children being abused and molested?  Was it when the crusades happened? When during Columbine did the minimal happen? When did it happen when a friend of mine killed themselves after being thrown out by their family for coming out gay? 

Why? Is there a saying there is no hate like Christian love? Because it's true. The Christain Bible has been manipulated, and used and twisted to serve a horrible purpose. Judging, casting the first stone, hate filled people push how they feel and their beliefs onto others. As a nation we are supposed to have a separation of church and state. Yet we have politicians spouting how they are Christian and for God. Why the fuck does it matter? Because they want to make sure you know their values and that they are going to push for Christain rights over others. 

Pro life. No. You are pro birth. If you were pro life their would be systems put into playlce to make it easier for people to care for these children that you forced to be born. They would not be thrown into a system where they will be starved, unwanted and ultimately kicked out onto the street. There would be systems to help parents expecting to not be fired and be able to support themselves during the pregnancy. There would be systems that could shelter women that are expecting if they cannot themselves. 

Love thy neighbor. Unless they are practicing another religion. Unless they are polyamorous. Unless they are gay, Trans, non conforming to your ideology. Show love to their face then spit venom behind their backs. 

Help your fellow man. Unless they are poor and need aid. Foodstamps, housing, vets, single parents, r@p* victims, children in rooms with church staff and creepy uncles you don't call out. Refugees trying to flee from dying so they can live a better life, immigrants, other nations, religions ect. The homeless, elderly...all get tossed aside for thoughts and prayers. 

Thoughts and prayers. Fuck this phrase. School shooting, Thoughts and prayers. Cancer, Thoughts and prayers. Sick? Thoughts and prayers. Dropped your food? Thoughts and prayers. Someone died? Thoughts and fucking prayers. Not actual help. Just the vapid words of those they supposedly care. Thoughts and prayers don't help any of the issues we face in the world. 

It is for this and so much more I am no longer a Christian and have not been for several years. 

So...question is...what am I? 
Short answer. I don't know.
Long answer. Not hate filled. Judgmental and working on being a better person now. I believe in a higher power. God? Eh... Gods? Maybe. 
I believe there is an energy that connects us all and I do believe something created us. Weather it be something more traditional like the old Greek Gods or just good Ole fucking science with the big bang. There is a beginning and an end to everything.
As far as my beliefs and moral code. I probably line up the closest with Buddhist religion or even the Satanism. 

If your religion has whole sections in it dedicated to hating another group of individuals. You are following the wrong religion.  

So...why am I telling everyone all of this? It is very. Fucking. Simple. 

I am done with toxicity.
Regardless of our relationship I want you to know where I stand, what I tolerate and what I don't tolerate. This is not something I will be silent on anymore. There is a firm line in the sand and I will not budge. 

Black lives still matter.
Trans people are people.
My body my choice.
Wear your fucking mask, and wear it fucking correctly. It has been a year. It takes less time to potty train a toddler All you are proving now is that you have less brain power then a toddler. And that you are selfish.
Eat the rich.
All cops are infact. Still bastards.
Christianity is a hate filed organization.
Pineapples do not belong on fucking Pizza.
Subs, dubs whatever... whatch what you enjoy.
White privilege is real.
EA, Activision, and ubisoft can all go to hell.
eNBy pride all fucking day.
Normalize polyamorous relationships.
Abortion should be an option
Planned parenthood needs to be funded.
Healthcare should not only favor those that can afford it.
Universal basic income needs to be a thing
Asian lives matter 

Toxicity has no room in my life anymore. I will not tolerate it. I will not stand by and take it and I sure as hell won't let it in my life anymore. 

So. If you have made it this far you have a pretty good idea on who I am as a person and what I will be doing from here on out.

So what does this mean going forward for you? 

If you are toxic? Easy. Fuck off.
If you can respect who I am and who I have become as I have grown up and found my own way at life? Then you can be part of that journey. But if you cannot. Then I do not want any part of that anymore. 

It sounds hartless and hateful. But having let toxicity into my life and not being the real me. I have tried to commit suicide in my life twice. That's not me anymore. I am happy. Truly happy with who I am for the first time in my life. I absolutely love my 2 partners. I love my art, my community of amasing people I have build up and where I am going with my life. 

My name is Slade Strife. I am 33. Nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them. I am an artist, gamer, content creator. I am a kitten to an amasing wonderful woman and a joyfriend to another amasing woman. I am polyamorous. I am happy, loved and moving on with my life. 

There is still so much more I left out...and honestly I have been working on this for 30 days now. It's still rough and I know there are typos probably still, but I think this is something I could keep adding to for years and still not get everything out so it's fully coherent and perfect. But....let's be honest. Neither am I. And I wouldn't have it any other way. 

I am a twitch streamer (@sladestrife everyday at 5pm est. ) I am an artist (yes commissions are still open) I am a content creator (new vids on YouTube and tiktok everyday!) I am a kitten, a joyfriend, I am ambitions, strong, and will always push myself to do better and be me. 

If you cannot accept that I am happy and my life choices are just that... my own. I honestly don't give a fuck. I am happier then I have ever been and I am making my own name for myself. 

TL;DR I will not being making a tl;dr. Because if you respect me you will read this. You will take the time to really understand this. Where I am coming from and why I am making this decision and what I will be doing. If you don't you are part of the reason I am leaving. So no there will not be a tl;dr.
Read this 

So with that said I say goodbye to Facebook 

So long and thanks for all the fish.

6 Kudos


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Floyd Von Terror

Floyd Von Terror's profile picture

I read this whole post, and kudos to you. Much respect. I stand with you in literally every belief you mentioned, and I respect you! You're awesome

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