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Final weeks of school in 2021 recap! 18/12/2021

12/12/2021 - On my way home, I was walking with Robin and Soraya and these kids (probably about year 8 or 9/ 13 or 14 years old) walking behind us were yelling "EMO!" at me, Soraya unzipped my bag and Robin zipped it back up, and as he was doing so he stuck his middle finger up at these kids, whether they saw or not, he said he didn't know, but I appreciate that he has my back. I'm really glad and thankful to have friends who support me and actually stick up for me, even if its subtle, I'm still trying to get used to this. I wasn't planning to say anything to these kids, and kids yelling "EMO!" at me is becoming increasingly frequent. It really sucks to be pretty much the only outwardly alternative kid left in the school. I really miss Gay Witch Girl and Purple Punk Person, who were in the year above. 

14/12/2021 - Me and Robin were in our biology class and Mr Tuffin (aka Tuffers) wanted to put Christmas music on, to which I cringed. Ethan and Josh suggested that we should put my music on, "Put on some German metal" one of them said, I told them "I don't solely listen to German nu-metal" (I was meant to say German industrial metal XC) and "I mainly listen to metalcore/ screamo", although, at this point I have no idea what sub genre of music I listen to lol. Tuffers put on a couple of old Christmas songs, I had no idea what they were. He took some song suggestions, one of which was from Toma or Lucy, I forget which, and it was Mistletoe by Justin Bieber (no offence but I HATE him and his music) and I almost walked out of class. Tuffers did mention that if I wanted, I could go and do my work elsewhere XD and Robin said he'd come and sit out in the corridor with me XD

15/12/2021 - Mrs Harte brought in a Victoria sponge cake for me as my birthday is soon, most of the boys in my Geography class didn't have any, some of them didn't even like jam! That surprised me and Mrs Harte. She also brought in her homemade yule log too, I didn't have any but they boys seemed to enjoy it. Some of them also nearly missed out on the cake because they had this maths problem solving thing. It was going to be from period 3 (which was when we had Mrs Harte) to period 5 (last lesson) but it was also stated that it was going to be from 12:00 to the end of the school day. Period 3 doesn't start at 12, it starts at 11:20, so all the people doing A-level maths were lost because the school has shit communication. One of the boys asked Dan (who does A-level maths) "What problems are you solving? World hunger?" because it was going to be about 3 hours of maths XD Turns out it was useless to all the year 13s who took A-level maths because it was stuff they'd already done, it was only useful to the year 12s. Well done school for being useless once again... 
Also Mrs Hari was off again for the week as she was still severely ill :< Hopefully she'll be back in 2022 because we need her to teach us, RE was the only subject I felt confident in, but that may change now as we've missed so many lessons with her XC

16/12/2021 - In Miss Kelly's class, majority of the class wasn't in because some went on the pantomime trip, and two were off with COVID, so it was just me, Whacky Olly, Lauren and Emily. Olly tried to show Miss Kelly his nudes and other people's nudes which was strange, she wasn't interested and just walked to the other end of the room so she couldn't see lmao XD Olly was just talking about people's nudes and who had sent them or how he got them and what not, I found it rather gross but at the same time funny to listen to. Some of the names he mentioned were people from my primary school, I just found it crazy how these people have changed and, I guess, matured. I found it so odd, because I haven't really changed that much since primary school, I think I've become more full of hate, I'm still introverted and innocent in comparison to my peers. When I got home and told my dad about my day, I told him about Olly going on about nudes and my dad didn't know what I meant, so I had to explain to him what nudes were and that people actually ask/ send nudes. My dad and I both agreed that we thought it a bit sad and desperate and that it was something neither of us would ever want to happen to us and that Mum would flip her lid if Dad sent her a picture of himself nude XD I'm very glad very few people have my number and know/ follow me on social media, one of the reasons is because of this. Please keep all of your clothes on! 

17/12/2021 - Final day! The only interesting thing that happened was during lunch, my friends gambled with some sweets XD and also in biology with Mrs Mandley, we played Pictionary for the last few minutes and Josh was first to draw, he had to draw a famous person and I managed to guess it XD It was Boris Johnson, Josh drew a rather sad looking face and noodle hair and he began drawing a podium and I just said "Boris Johnson" as a joke, either that or Donald Trump, and I was right! XD I went up to the board and had to draw a kangaroo, I started with the tail and the hind legs, when I started drawing the body and the pouch, Robin guessed right but just before I grabbed the rubber, the rest of the class asked me to finish the drawing! They said it was really good, I finished the kangaroo but the head didn't look right, but the rest of the class really liked it!! They asked if I took art, I told them I took it for GCSE and hated it XD But I draw for a hobby, I haven't drawn in a while, hopefully during the holiday I will draw a bit more. 

18/12/2021 - Final side note for this blog. The kids yelling "EMO!" at me say it as if its a slur, but I'd rather be called "emo" than e-girl/ e-boy (no offence). It shows that I've achieved the look I am going for. In my opinion, its still not quite right, but its more to do with things like acne and my head shape and my body in general, things that that are hard to change/ get rid of. But I also want to say, it shows that the style of emo has had a big impact, emo has made a statement, and although its not as mainstream as it used to be, its still recognisable and it is not forgotten. You know emo when you see it. 

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olivia!'s profile picture

we have the same last days of school lol

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