corentin's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

> Spacehey's unofficial random blogroll is ready! <

I did something!

And it's a website !

More precisely, it is a blogroll. You can enter your profile url, update your profile with the super secret magic string, and click the submit button in order to be added to a brand new and totally unofficial blogroll!

From now on, every time someone will click on the *my super long website url*/random url, he will have a chance to be redirected to your profile!

Go on the project's main page to get started!

(The website is running on my own tiny server, I don't register anything beside the url.
The source code of the project is available here
but don't look at it because is it really ugly)

Edit: I just noticed that Nein MC just had the same idea as I was already working on it :P

Edit2 (28/01/2021): just updated the design & added a small faq!

Edit3 (15/06/2022): Removed 22 accounts that led to 404 on spacehey :P

23 Kudos


Displaying 20 of 23 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


rai-rai 😎's profile picture

I joined!

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corentin's profile picture

(124 members \o/)

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corentin's profile picture

The blogroll reached 103 members \o/

I forgot to renew my TLS certificate for the two last weeks, it is now done :)

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corentin's profile picture

The blogroll is at 64 members o/

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corentin's profile picture

@Heavyoak: If you read the code for the button you can spot the first line is this :

/* from by */

The button is taken from the amazing 98.css design system, created by jordan :)

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Heavyoak's profile picture

the code for making a button, can you list that separately?

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corentin's profile picture

Hey my self hosted website went down for a few days but now it's online again!

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corentin's profile picture

Hu oh I didn't expected that to happen.

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K3/!И's profile picture

axeface is no longer available, at least not at the old URL that is still in your blogroll.

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corentin's profile picture

Well I guess there is now two methods for discovering random profiles on spacehey :P

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K3/!И's profile picture

Is now official:

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mrzool's profile picture


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clive's profile picture

I just posted about your randomizer here -- great work!

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clive's profile picture

Woo, thank you!

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corentin's profile picture

@clive: I pasted your profile link inside the input, clicked on the button and it worked. Welcome in the blogroll :)

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clive's profile picture

This is so brilliant! I put the code in my blurb and tried to add it, but got an error -- maybe the server is temporarily hung? I'll try later ... super cool!

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corentin's profile picture

Thanks Nein MC :)

The big interest for an external service is that inactive people in spacehey won't register themselves on the blogroll, and so the blogroll will link only to profile of those who read that post or clicked the "about" link on a profile :)

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Nein MC

Nein MC's profile picture

Oh, this is genius! I can't claim I had the same idea though, the thought to add it externally didn't even occur to me :P

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corentin's profile picture

Thank you all for taking part in this :)

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Greg "X" Willis

Greg "X" Willis's profile picture

Added to me page.

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