Take the stairs. By Ginger Burton

Constantly climbing, feel like I'm never reaching my destination.
I make jokes at my own expense, trying to mask the feeling of devastation.
Thinking, "am I doing this right? Is there something I'm missing?"
Counting my regrets, stuck in the past, just thinking and reminiscing.
Intrusive thoughts take over, clouding my confidence.
Watching others succeed so young makes me question my own competence.
How long this feeling will last is my main question.
Who knows? But for now I'll just keep trying to escape this clinical depression.

Was told on this one as well to take out the cursing in order to post more places, so I did. Upon retread it, I think I agree with the absence of vulgarity. I think putting them in as I'm writing, helps me relieve some stress and frustration. Cursing always makes me feel better though. Haha. :) 
Let me know what you think! 

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Ben Couch

Ben Couch's profile picture

Nice! Lovely rhyming and theme. Could easily be lyrics for a song. :)

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Thank you!!!! That's the goal! I have no clue how to write music though. Haha. Going to have to enlist help from someone!

by ZenzeroRossa; ; Report