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Category: Blogging

spacehey monetization ideas

Collected here for reference. Originally from a comment of mine under this blog post by the man himself. Because while stickers are rad, I think we can all agree they're not going to provide financial sustainability in the long run.

The idea is to offer a spacehey paid tier with premium features. Good candidates for premium features might be:
  • Private profiles: The ability to make some sections of your profile visible only to friend
  • Best friends: The ability to select which and how many of your friends should show up in the friends section on your profile, and also to sort them
  • The ability to style your blog with css, just like your profile
  • The ability to see who visited your profile
  • More kudos to use weekly (dependent on imposing a weekly quota on kudos)
  • Promote products through unobtrusive, privacy-respecting ads placed on the homepage (from ~Yaya_CheshiCat~) (maybe through some kind of sponsorship program à la Daring Fireball)
  • Creator Ward: another kind of profile, targeted at pro users and available to premium members, with experimental features still to be defined (from Greg "X" Willis
  • Photos Limit: once the Photo feature ships, impose a limit on how many photos users in the free tier can upload to their profile (5 for example) — who wants to upload more photos has to become a subscriber.
Feel free to comment below with your ideas and I'll add them to the list. The radder the feature, the better! Which feature would you pay for here on spacehey?

15 Kudos


Displaying 8 of 8 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


mrzool's profile picture

@JAMES XO: what do you mean with "rate each other"?

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james's profile picture

They could also add a rating system with a goods store that we can spend the points to get physical items or digital from the site.

This would get more people active on here to rate each other so they can earn more points.

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mrzool's profile picture

Thanks for the explanation @sodux, that's a good one, but we'll need to think about *which* experimental features specifically. In the meantime I'll add it to the list!

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Greg "X" Willis

Greg "X" Willis's profile picture

The Creator Ward (space) is separate from your OG profile and just a new section for users accounts. This is for the people who are more focused on promoting themselves on the platform and allows for SpaceHey to be more experimental in features without touching the OG profiles.

You can do a "revenue-sharing" concept with a Creator Ward that benefits everyone involved.

You also have to think about server performance of having a more defined space that you know this where people are promoting themselves versus a profile you are not sure what your going to get out of it by visiting it.

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mrzool's profile picture

This is a great idea @yaya_cheshirecat. Small, unobtrusive and privacy-respecting ads thoughtfully placed on the homepage, targeted at tech-savvy people and creators. I wish The Deck Network was still alive, as it would be perfect for that.

As it stands, An would probably need to run its own weekly/monthly sponsorship program, maybe kind of like John Gruber does on Daring Fireball. It would require some planning and ongoing maintenance, but if spacehey grows enough and is able to keep its users engaged it should be able to generate a decent volume of cash flow.

I'll add your idea to the list.

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~Yaya Cat~

~Yaya Cat~'s profile picture

What iff we used advertising but for good. Like small creators, businesses could pay a small fee to be featured on the home page for a specific amount of time? Helps small businesses /local economy which is far better than dealing with the traditional invasive advertising.

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mrzool's profile picture

That sounds like a cool idea, but how would a creator space differ from a regular profile specifically? I can already showcase my work on my regular profile with links, images, and embedded video/audio players. I'll also be able to follow people once the subscribe feature for blogs ships. What do you have in mind exactly?

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Greg "X" Willis

Greg "X" Willis's profile picture

A creator space that lets profiles focus on showcasing their talents whatever that maybe and people can discover and opt-in to the ones they wish to follow.

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