a riddle: killing two birds with one sports car

if a middle-aged man
of limited means
who does not pay child support
buys a sports car
with two seats,

does he make room for one child,
leave the other behind,
a duffel in the dust
to take unasked-for turns

or does he ask them each to miniaturize themselves
to become halves of each other
to simply become one
perhaps two-dimensional caricatures
that form a neat, smiling stack

if that proves too challenging,
if the ache of anaesthetized fatherhood still lingers
does it turn out
that two seats
were just one seat
made for one man

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Meadow Magenta

Meadow Magenta's profile picture

Another stunner from the amazing BlushPuppy!

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charlene's profile picture

You are seriously my favorite poet in spacehey. I hope to see your name on a book someday. You have so much to share and I am here for it. 🙌🏻

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charleeeeeEeeeene thank u :'-) that genuinely does very nice things for my heart.

by ✿blush puppy; ; Report