sugar-teethed american dream

dusty and sugar-teethed

the collapsing blanket fort
swallowed us up
my sister first
and then me

and she came out older, thirty-one
a sense of duty borne from inside her child-sister soul
I came out the way I climbed in
crawling on all fours
looking for thunderstorm chaos
fingernailing the grass
and when the net of labored earnings
fell on me

the wonder of being trapped struck me dumb
ahhhhh to think the world of the world
I still fingernail the grass
through the net

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Nicola Micanti

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Your style makes me think about, maybe, William Faulkner or the Spoon River Anthology, it is truly american. And, of course, it disses America. At least that's what I understood, I'm a bit dumb, please forgive me. There's a book I bought, an anthology about new american poets, and it's good but I have the feeling that it is a little bit too cerebral. My favorite american poet is Emily Dickinson. Some of her poems are really emotional and...just poetic!

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you've inspired me to do some reading, i am pretty poorly read, embarrassingly. i used to read so much as a kid, i don't know where that went. thank you for the really flattering comparisons!

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by Nicola Micanti; ; Report