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Category: Life


Have you ever get so interested on something that you think about consuming any kind of content about this interest? Well I did, his name is Moon Knight. There's just something charming about this comic book character created by Marvel Comics in the 80's.

I don't know if it's just me being a teenager that obsesses over things randomly or undiagnoed adhd but when I got my eyes on Moon Knight, I locked the fuck in. It's really sad for me that he's not one of the famous famous comic book characters like spiderman. I could really use some of his merch being sold at those nerd stores you know? 

For you to see how desperate I am, I recently made my own personalized keychain, and a little cardboard figure of Mr. Knight looking very murderous. My whole twitter is Moon Knight themed, my laptop too. And I did this all by myself, never found any merch, not even a pin.

I don't like using the word "hyperfocus" for people that just like and enjoy something because it's a medical term for neurodivergent people, but when I told my friends I made a Moon Knight keychain, one of them said it's my hyperfocus, and looking back now, it might be. I mean, I love reading his comics, whatching his show, making personalized stuff, talking about it or even seeing him mentioned somewhere. Literally fills me with joy, I feel like my life is happier whenever I do any of those things. It's also not impossible for me to be neurodivergent, half of my family is. My grandma, mom, brothers, aunts and cousins all have adhd (some undiagnosed) and at least 2 of them are on the autism spectrum. I'm not one to take conclusions, maybe I'm just a girrrl.

Anyway, I love moon knight so much and I'm really happy the sociable guy in my class recognized my moon knight keychain, it was the highlight of my day. (p.s I think he looked it up before pointing it out to me but whateverr I think he's trying to be nice) 

Song of the day: A Man Without Love by Rumpelstiltskin (I gave up trying to spell the singer's name so rumpelstiltskin it is)

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